Cities: Skylines Deluxe Edition

If you’re a fan of SimCity, then you’ll definitely know your way around Cities: Skylines Deluxe Edition. But you don’t necessarily have to be a fan. Or to have played it before. This particular game is simple yet exciting enough to keep you occupied for hours and hours on end. However, the comparisons between the two games are inevitable.

Why Cities: Skylines Deluxe Edition?

In essence Cities: Skylines Deluxe Edition is a city-building game developed by Colossal Order Ltd. And published by Paradox Interactive. And it’s what you do in in this game. You build your dream city, from the bottom up. Furthermore, from the plot that you get at the start of the game, all the way to the Eiffel Tower that you can easily buy and put in your town.

Cities: Skylines Deluxe Edition

It’s So Much More

Aside from the good old city planning, infrastructure layout and zoning that you’ll need to supervise, there’s the population in the community to look after. Sure, buildings schools, highways, and industrial districts are fine, but there’s also some boring stuff that needs your undivided attention. Such as the ability to balance your budget, take care of the taxes and make plans for new districts. But it’s hard not to make money in this game. You can make money from multiple areas. But yeah. The traffic congestion and even scarier traffic routes are your main preoccupations.

Cities: Skylines Deluxe Edition

Moreover, the never ending garbage collection, crime and fires that occur sporadically will occupy your thoughts in this game. But that’s the exciting part of this game. If you’re good a problem-solving, then Cities: Skylines Deluxe Edition is going to be your jam. There’s always some problem to be solved, and the people in your city depend on you to solve them. After a while, it does get a bit repetitive, but there are some things that you can prioritize in order to make things easier for you. And admittedly a bit more fun. However, all in all, this is a great game that demands your attention. Make sure you have it in copious amounts.

Cities: Skylines Deluxe Edition is available for purchase at IndieGala.

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