
Trepang2 is a pretty new experience for us here at IndieGala. Released just last month, the game is fairly new but we’re so excited to introduce it to you. The audience that supported and encouraged us throughout all these years. The good, the bad and the pandemic years. You’ve been through thick and thin with us and you’ve helped us grow. Thank you. So, what better way to express our gratitude, than with another great shooter game that we know you’ll love.

Look, shooters have been featured heavily here on IndieGala’s blog. We loved writing about tactical shooters like Rainbow Six Siege (the article is available here). And we loved writing about first-person shooters like Sniper Ghost Warrior. That article is also available here.

But Trepang2 is next on our agenda here at IndieGala’s blog. The latest piece of work from Team17 demands our attention. On and just a heads up. A Filmaholic Gamer Review about the game is coming very soon. Stay tuned for that.


What’s Trepang2 All About You Might Ask?

Developed by Team17 Digital and published by Team17, Trepang2 is a first-person shooter video game for the action junkie in you. But here in Trepang2, you play as an escaped soldier. One who has no memories of their past life, but is infused with supernatural abilities. Revenge is on your mind, and you’ll stop at nothing to get what you want. So you get to deliver devastating punches, sneak around in the shadows, and wield explosive weapons. Oh, and give the bad guys a taste of their own medicine.

A mysterious group breaks you out from a heavily guarded blacksite. Your memories are gone but your combat abilities are enhanced far beyond human limits. Fight back, find the truth and face a threat even deadlier than yourself.

Master your superhuman strength and speed to knock waves of heavily armed mercenaries into next week. Slow down time to dodge rapid-fire bullets and use cloaking to become invisible and snap your enemies’ necks when they least expect it.


Square up to your enemies in close-quarters melee combat and go full throttle in rapid-fire gunfights. Punch, kick, slide and deliver hardcore combos that reduce your foes to dust.

Trepang2 is available for purchase here at IndieGala.

And What Are Some Of The Steam User Comments Saying About it?

BOT Erik says: I’ never knew I was waiting for another FEAR-type game but here it is. 9.4 out of 10

RaisingRaiden adds: I can’t believe it took them 18 years to make a sequel to F.E.A.R.

And of course, Dan notes: This game is like crack rock cocaine, I keep coming back for more no matter how much it keeps messing me up.

Trepang2 And The Game That Inspired It

Yup, here in this particular article, we’re gonna focus on the games that inspired Trepang2. Which games were trailblazers to the team behind Trepang2? Well, there are a handful of them and they’re amazing. Let’s take a closer look at some of them, shall we?

F.E.A.R. is an obvious choice here. But we’ll get to that in a minute. Fandom Wire even mentioned that the game is a must-play for anyone who grew up playing games or watching action movies in the 2000s. And for everyone else as well. Let’s face it. The games and the action movies from the 2000s were something else. It’s the era of John Woo, Tony Scott, and Dominic Sena. But when it comes to F.E.A.R. it’s a no-brainer. However, some of the fans think that the atmosphere in the game is taken directly out of DOOM. It’s very DOOM-esque, especially the one from 2016. It’s FEAR because of some paranormal/science fiction, bullet time, and a similar silent protagonist. You’re also part of a recon-like unit like FEAR. It’s DOOM for everything else.


F.E.A.R. Crysis And More

However, some of the fans see things differently. Since it’s a fast-paced movement shooter with some horror elements, some say it’s more similar to Crysis and Wolfenstein. But faster. But the F.E.A.R. connection is undeniable of course. Why? Because much like FEAR the game is built around going from encounter to encounter and wasting each group of soldiers using invincible slow-mo powers. Or flanking and juking a super dangerous single enemy using invincible slow-mo powers. Also, much like FEAR you’re often gated in a relatively small area until you finally kill every soldier around. And yes, much like FEAR the enemy soldiers are very vocal about what they’re doing and maintain an illusion of cooperation and much like FEAR it’s mostly an illusion. Opinions are divided on this but you get the jest.

And yes. The reason opinions are divided is that this game pays a lot of homage to what FEAR was. Not to mention it has very in-your-face references to it. But it also wants to be several other games packed into one. Oh, and you can’t really forget about the focus mode, horror elements, and reactive AI. Some even go as far as to liken it to Max Payne, but some even say it’s the lovechild of Doom 2016 and Eternal. What do you think?

Killzone Is In The Mix?

But not just Killzone. All of the games claim to have some influence on Trepang2. One fan even called the combat- a smooth mix of Crysis, Doom, and FEAR. But Trepang2 is also a poster child for post-Halo 2000s fans. A place in time when the single-player FPS became a bit more tactical and grounded. But Killzone is right there in the bracket of influences as well. Any Killzone you can think of. Killzone: Shadow Fall seems like a good fit here and yes. Killzone: Mercenary as well. Shadow Fall will definitely change the way you look at the game of this specific genre. While mercenary is a superb combination of Action and FPS elements. Both games heavily influenced the team behind Trepang2. 

And while we’re on the subject… We couldn’t help but wonder. What do you think? Which game has a strong influence on Trepang2.

Also… Feel Free To Express Your Impressions Of Trepang2

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