Yes. You’ve read that right. The IndieGala Anniversary is here and we’re thrilled about it. IndieGala is celebrating 10 years of existence and we’re damn proud of it. Exactly on December 5th, 2011, IndieGala was born and it’s been going strong ever since. Thanks to the amazing leadership of our co-founders, IndieGala grew not just in size. But in games, ideas and amazing charity missions. We’ll get to them in a second. But first…

IndieGala Anniversary

Cool Freebies For Our IndieGala Anniversary

And what a cool freebies they are. In honor of our special IndieGala anniversary, we’re also proud to present the first of our two very cool freebies. Our very own Die Young game. Indeed. Die Young is our pride and joy, as the team behind IndieGala developed it and published it back in 2019. And if you’re interested to know more about Die Young, you should also check out the Filmaholic Gamer Review we did a while back. It’s awesome and it captures the thrills and joys of the game perfectly.

IndieGala Anniversary
Our anniversary gift to you

Die Young is available here, free of charge, but for a limited time. And now… Let us reminisce about the game and look back for a moment.

And to be honest, the same can be said about Exit Limbo. Another of IndieGala’s accomplishments, and a freebie right now. Which you can get with a simple click here. A fantastic action/adventure RPG that IndieGala also published. Yes, we already did a fabulous interview with the guys behind the game, and if you need a nice throwback about that as well… Check it out here.

Exit Limbo, our latest release

And yes. Exit Limbo (much like Die Young) is a freebie here at IndieGala. Get it here.

IndieGala Anniversary: A Look Back At The Good Times (And The Bad)

A lot of things happened in the past decade. Most of them were positive, joyous and inspirational. But there were some challenges and rough times ahead. There’s no denying that, but hey. That’s all right. Life is filled with ups and downs but we choose to focus on the good. Rather than the bad. Like…. We partnered with plenty of great publishers, developers and incredible artists.

IndieGala Anniversary
Our AbleGamers Foundation & Italian Red Cross efforts

Charities that help people with disabilities for instance. We’re especially proud of that. And who can forget about 2012’s efforts of IndieGala to raise money for the earthquake-stricken region of Emilia Romagna. Another memorable initiative indeed.

Everyone should have a chance to play videogames.

But hey! Last month we partnered with our dear friends, slightly older brothers some might say, from Humble Bundle and we added our very own Die Young to their Survive Or Die Bundle. And we wrote all about it as well. Check out that article here. We hope you visited it at Humble Bundle and we really hope you enjoyed it.

Our GalaFund initiative

We also made some cool and inspirational milestones when it comes to the gaming industry. For instance, IndieGala was the first online store to bundle a comic and the first one to bundle music.

First bundle to include a comic book

Back in 2014, we reached another great milestone. 1M Bundles Sold at the IndieGala website. Not to mention we raised money for all sorts of different good causes.

First bundle to include a music album

Don’t Forget About The Games!

And the sales! Oh and the bundles too! But what would IndieGala be without the games? Thousands upon thousands of amazing games were regularly on display here at IndieGala in the past 10 years. And some hundreds of great sales too. Not a day that goes by that we don’t have some amazing sale or some cool bundle. But what about the games you ask? Well, some of our best-sellers are the games from the Monster Hunter series. And yes. The Assassin’s Creed franchise, Castlevania, Tales franchise and plenty of iconic titles. But some of our most demanded games are the instant classics or recognizable names of the modern age. Games like Death Stranding, Elden Ring, God of War and more. Here are some cool facts:

  • Since 2014 Indiegala is also an official PC videogame developer and publisher on Steam of various games including indie hits Blockstorm and Die Young!
  • Over 7000 (and growing) titles at individual titles can be found on our store! From indie gems to AAA blockbusters we offer you a wide selection of PC games.
  • Our gameplay giveaway has long surpassed millions of keys given out to our most loyal fans. And a lot of GalaCredit with that as well. Check out our gameplay giveaway here.
  • But don’t forget about our beloved quizzes! They tooo have surpassed 300 since the inception of the company, and we’ve given away total of over 50.000 dollars in GalaCredit. Visit our quizzes here.
  • Our bundle sales give you amazing games at the price of a cup of coffee! Our work is to bring you the best indie games available on Steam for a crazy price!

Oh and feel free to visit our new and improved company page here. We also have YouTube channel as well that we wish to start using more in the near future. Below you will find our first ever YouTube video.

Our first video on YouTube

Last But Not Least… Make Sure To Visit Our Blog! The IndieGala Blog Is Always With You!

Yup. Our IndieGala blog has become an inseparable and highly important part of our work. We try to have the most fun and thought-provoking topics, articles and reviews at our IndieGala blog. Not to mention we also try to promote some of our finest gaming picks there. Yes. Nothing is off topic at the IndieGala. Articles about the latest movies, TV shows and even holidays are included. But in the past couple of years, our blog has become a great source of joy where we connect with our fans and loyal customers. We are constantly inspired by your comments, suggestions and responses, and we’d like to say a big THANK YOU. Keep coming back!

Check out the latest of our IndieGala Blog here.

Your Thoughts Are Welcomed For The IndieGala Anniversary!

As always, your thoughts, suggestions and opinions matter here at IndieGala. They’re the ones that give us a huge boost of motivation and confidence. So feel free to express them at all times. What would you like to see more of in the future? What should IndieGala focus on more? Let us your thoughts and we’d make it our mission to hear and respond to them.

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