My Crusader Kings III Experience

Can you believe that my Crusader Kings III Experience is actually my first Filmaholic Gamer Review of 2022? Indeed, it is, and I’m so looking forward to it. Why? Well for one, Crusader Kings III is my first grand strategy game in my tenure here at IndieGala. Granted, I’ve had plenty of simulator games (my Plague Inc, Evolved gaming experience first comes to mind)… But not the grand strategy ones.

Also, after devoting plenty of articles about this game, I felt that a Filmaholic Review is in order. Seriously, I’ve covered the game from a Medieval movie perspective (check it out here) and from a Crusader movie perspective (here). Frankly, I loved each of these articles equally, but the time has come to see what the fuss is actually about. Just kidding. But yeah. I had to see and feel the game for myself.

My Crusader Kings III Experience

Oh before I go on with this article. I should probably mention that Crusader Kings III is available for purchase here at IndieGala. You can get it here. You’re welcome.

But if you’re not a fan of Crusader Kings III, then you can just click here and pick the best game from the Crusader series. There are over 30 picks at IndieGala, but you can make the best one. Here.

My Crusader Kings III Experience Started Quite Silly

No joke. It was.

When I mentioned Crusader Kings III‘s gaming/writing assignment to my husband the first thing he said was…. Oh great. I already played it back in our quarantine-filled 2020. Which… Of course, he did.

Him: Yeah… It’s a cool game. But hey… Do you wanna make it interesting?

Me: I’m listening…

Him: How about you play the game as accurately as possible? For instance, when I played it, I made it my mission to make my character’s lineage (a king’s lineage I believe) as inbred as possible. For historical accuracy purposes that is.

Me: How about NOOOOOOO.

Yeah, I declined, but I did take his advice to start with a rather small rank character. Since I’m a rookie and all. And a smaller dutchy that would not draw so much attention. Understandably I didn’t want to start off on the wrong foot and piss off somebody for no reason. So naturally, I picked Duke Berthold Of Corinthia. Berthold II, Duke of Carinthia that is. And as you can probably tell I started the game with the 1066 date.

My Crusader Kings III Experience… A Game Of Thrones Experience But In A Video Game

Well, it didn’t start off as a Game Of Thrones to be perfectly honest. I even started of with the most innocent of intentions. Hey, I even picked Stewardship as a lifestyle. But quite shortly I started scheming and swaying my counselors. Bulling my vassals and declining war threats for the sake of it. Quickly did I learn that Crusader Kings III is no place to practice diplomacy and pacifism.

But as the sub-title would suggest, the best way to explain my gaming experience is A Game Of Thrones, mixed with the War Of The Roses. I had to juggle my offspring’s arranged marriages with… „Whom form my council doesn’t really like me… And wants me dead situations“. Oh boy… Oh and get this. If I had a dime for the amounts of times, I had to send my bishops to some converting missions (just to get them out of my way)… I’d be a very wealthy duke. Let’s just leave it at that. But I should probably mention (cough brag cough) that I managed to get some of my fellow dukes out of some serious pickle situations.  Hey if I don’t declare wars, and don’t execute people… That doesn’t mean I can send my men into some action.

Being A Baddie Is Actually Kinda Fun! Who’d Knew?

But I did get to marry a couple of times (my favorite bride to this day is Frida BTW) and I was a naughty boy by seducing an empress. My brother-in-law’s empress no less, but I figured… What’s the point of playing by the rules? You can betrothal so many of your own children. Yes, some of them will die from the smallpox. And yes, some of my wives died as well. But what else am I gonna do? And I guess this was my way of staying true to the historical accuracy. Indeed, infidelity is bad, but I was getting a bit bored at this point. And what I’m saying is… Don’t judge me.

My Crusader Kings III Experience

Oh and that’s another thing. In between your moves, there’s waiting. And waiting. And in between all the alliance scheming, quasi-diplomacy and the delicate balance of courtly shenanigans… There’s not much else to do. Besides… Waiting. However, it did inspire me to learn more about the actual people I was meeting and greeting. The period is fascinating alone, but I was more interested in the dukes, kingdoms, and empires. The real ones of course. So, I guess you can say there’s another great benefit of this game. It’s a great pass-time for people like me who are already history fanatics to begin with. But all in all, I loved my Crusader Kings III experience. It was fun and informative. I’d love to tackle some more of the series though. Which one should I go for? Your recommendations are more than welcome here.

That Was My Crusader Kings III Experience. What’s Yours?

Let us know in the comment section. We’d love to know all about it.

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