
We’ve always loved Daedalic games to the core. Perhaps State of Mind veers away from the classic point-and-click PC titles that we know them for. Still, we’re without a doubt that it’s going to be a thrilling ride.

What’s the release date for State of Mind?

In April, Daedalic announced that State of Mind would release during this summer. We can’t confirm exactly what the actual release date is but pre-orders are already available. You can pre-order now with 10% off (plus a bonus) or wishlist the game on IndieGala.

State of Mind

What’s State of Mind going to play like?

State of Mind’s minimum requirements are rather modest. With just 4GB RAM and 2.8Ghz of processing power, you should get smooth performance. The 23GB storage space that it asks for hopefully hints at a large, story-rich game.


You’ll take on the role of journalist Richard Nolan who is the game’s protagonist. However, there are also going to be five additional playable characters. This is a sci-fi thriller played as a 3rd-person action-adventure. According to the game’s description, you’ll be dealing with an “intertwined” dystopian future and digital utopia. Sounds like the devs took a little inspiration from The Congress (for movie buffs) — but we’ve still got to ask them that.

Editor’s Hunch on State of Mind

Like we mentioned before, this title looks like it took a page of inspiration from The Congress (movie). It also looks and feels very reminiscent of Capcom’s Remember Me — and that is a great thing. Of course, Daedalic’s behind it and they’ve delivered too many delightful adventures for us not to get giddy now.

(Speaking of delightful adventures — you should absolutely grab the Monday Motivation Bundle!)

Monday Motivation Bundle

But back to State of Mind — it looks like a promising addition to Daedalic’s rock solid catalog. We’re pestering the devs everyday for the definite release date and as soon as we know it, so will you!

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