Best Deals for Bundled Games

The best PC gaming deals are struck when you find the right bundled games. And the only thing that’s better than that is when you find free bundles (like we did this week). If you missed the fun, there are still 90+ games you can pick up this weekend.

The Best Deals for Bundled Games This Weekend

This week we took a look at 5 underrated racing games (and you pick up the best in a bundle). 5 other hidden indie gems are tucked away neatly in the Turn-Based Definitive Bundle. Keeping a pulse on the best bundle deals will make for a season full of fun and achievements. Let’s take a peek at just how deep we’re rolling with this weekend’s bundle lineup.

Turn-Based Definitive Bundle

Best Bundle Deals

While we’ve got 9 of the best bundle deals here, make sure you don’t miss this one. The Turn-Based Definitive Bundle is packing lots of gems and they’re really cheap. If you’re looking for even more in this genre, check out the top 21 turn-based strategy games. The Turn-Based Bundle is now on Happy Hour and it also ends in less than 48 hours. So make sure you don’t miss your window here.

Hump Day Bundle

Bundled Games

The Hump Day Bundle is always a favorite and now we’re on the 59th edition. Pick it up for an assortment of 10 bundled games — enough to smash through any hump day.

Monday Motivation Bundle

Bundled Games

The first day of the week never seems like a drag when you’ve got some #MondayMotivation to look forward to. Filled to the brim with 11 bundled games, you’ll be all set for fun after work or school.

Flaming Indie Bundle

Bundled Games

Here’s another 11-pack just because your gaming library deserves to enjoy flaming summer too. Get your gamepad ready for old-school shooters, tower defense, and platforming. There’s also some queer indie magic there to play around with.

Indie Squad Bundle

Bundled Games

It’s quite easy to overlook this bundle because there’s just nothing very popular in it. But 12 awesome indie devs joined forces to put this together and they make quite the squad. Of course, it helps that you can start unlocking these 13 games from as little as $1.

Virtual Reality Bundle

Bundled Games

If you’ve got the gear then this is one of the best bundle deals for VR games, hands down. It also happens to be the 28th edition of the series. We think it’s totally worth it not just for the games, but to support the developers who are figuring out gaming in this still-new format. And hey, 10 VR games starting from $1 is pretty unbeatable.

For Kids Bundle

Best Bundle Deals

Who doesn’t want 12 PC games that’ll reawaken the kid in you. Or, if you’re a gamer parent, color your young ones happy this weekend. The entire bundle is just shy of $2 and every single game’s got Steam achievements too!

Chain Reaction Bundle

Bundled Games

The bundled games in this pack are straight up for the achievement hunters. 18 Steam games loaded with achievements and 12 soundtracks for the victory dance. Pick it up now and start a chain reaction of Steam achievements!

Friday Special Bundle

Best Bundle Deals

Last but certainly not least is the bundle that makes every gamer scream “TGIF”. 2 of its titles will make your eyes pop and your ribs crack with laughter. The other 8 deliver an assortment of the things that make us love indie.

There’s nothing left to do now than to fall back into the weekend and overclock your PC with a bunch of games. Remember that if you want to know everything about buying PC games cheap, you can read our guide.

Bonus Hint: Pay with Razer zGold and get an extra 15% off all bundles and store deals.

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