Ghostrunner review

While Cyberpunk 2077 is on everyone’s lips, I want to focus on another title set in a future hyper-technological: here’s the Ghostrunner review! Let’s discover the game features together and why you should try it.

Ghostrunner review: what is the game about?

Ghostrunner is available

Maybe you’ve never heard of Ghostrunner. In fact, despite the premises of the game are intriguing, few are interested in this title. However, you should know that the less you talk about a game, the greater the chance that the latter is a masterpiece!

If you’re wondering, no, I’m not talking about phantoms or ghosts or monster creatures running around. Don’t be fooled by the name of the game, if you want spooky titles you can always take a look at our selection of Halloween Games.

All joking aside, in this Ghostrunner review, I want to deepen the plot of the game without spoilers. You are a badass, ultra-technological ninja, ready to climb the plans of the Dharma Tower, a building that protects humanity from a hostile and catastrophic environment.

Your goal is to reach the summit to avenge yourself on the Keymaster, a selfish tyrant who rules with despotism. Can you stop her on your ascension? The plot is not very intricate, Ghostrunner focuses more on the action. Anyway, the story of the game is exciting, you have to find out all the way. I assure you that there will be some twists!

A blow, a dead (literally)

Combat system and gameplay
Pushing buttons AND pushing enemies

Ghostrunner is a hardcore FPP Slasher with parkour elements. You can climb between the different elements of the map, jumping at the right time, and making spectacular movements. All in the first-person view. Believe me, it’s phenomenal! Despite the hectic action, nothing will be confusing or unclear: you will be able to enjoy your every ninja move.

Regardless, the aspect of the gameplay that most impressed me is another. As in SUPERHOT, even in Ghostrunner you only need one shot to kill enemies, but also to die! This is a factor I loved when I tried the game because it allows you to be focused. You must always pay attention to every movement and to what you may encounter in your path.

In this way, you can immerse yourself in the cyberpunk world. Simply put, PURE ACTION = PURE ENJOYMENT! Moreover, the game is difficult but not impossible. I want to be honest, missions are easy. Theoretically, Ghostrunner is a simple game. When you have to face the various tasks in practice, well, there comes the hard part. It can be frustrating but believe me, this is the kind of game you have to have in your collection if you love challenges.

Ghostrunner review: I am speed

The gameplay is fast
“I am fast and furious”

While I was thinking about what aspects to include in the Ghostrunner review, there was a feature that I often do not include in my posts. I’m talking about loading times. I don’t care if the loading screens are short or long, the important thing is that the game is good.

Regardless, while I was playing I realized that loading times are virtually non-existent. At the heart of the game is the concept of speed and this is respected in technical terms. Even if you die many times due to enemy shots or wrong jumps, you can try again with a simple click. You won’t even have time to get angry about the game over, you’ll immediately want to try again!

Besides, you don’t have to worry that this excessive speed causes frame drops or graphic bugs. From this point of view, I must compliment the developers of Ghostrunner, they did an amazing job. In my hours of gameplay, everything went the right way and I could enjoy the game without errors of any kind.

I must mention just one flaw, maybe the mouse could be slightly slow as command input. However, after playing Ghostrunner everything will seem to move at 0.25x speed, so don’t be surprised if the world will seem too slow!

An artistic world cyberpunk style

Ghostrunner review: a cyberpunk world

Finally, I want to include in this Ghostrunner review my appreciation of the game world. I love it when developers strive to give the gamer a stunning graphical background. Not surprisingly, I loved the dark and goth hues of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.

In Ghostrunner I was fascinated by science fiction lights, an effect I had already experienced trying Fallback: Uprising. In the various stages, you can notice the cyberpunk atmosphere simply admiring the environment that surrounds you.

The Dharma Tower hides incredible beauty inside and you can discover it only by visiting the various areas of the game. Trust me, it felt like I was living in the hyper-technological world of Blade Runner. In a nutshell, if you love the graphics you will love the game!

Try Ghostrunner and let me know your opinion

Ultimately, Ghostrunner is a pleasant surprise. In my opinion, it is one of the best games in 2020. Funny, competitive, fantastic from a technical point of view: Ghostrunner has the typical characteristics of a modern videogame. If you’ve tried this title, let me know what you think about it. Share your comment with the Indiegala community, I’m curious to know what’s your opinion.

If you want to play Ghostrunner, you can find it here in our store at a special price.

Ready to immerse yourself in a frenetic and futuristic adventure? Your ascension awaits you, ghost runner!

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