
Doctor Who Infinity offers something special. An opportunity for me to write about one of my favorite series. Doctor Who. And of course one of my favorite characters ever. The Doctor. More specifically the 10th incarnation of the character, which is coincidentally has one of my favorite actors ever. David Tennant. I adore Doctor Who, and I’ve been a fan since the 2005 revival. Indeed, Christopher Ecclestone is a decent incarnation, but Tennant remains the BEST.

And the road to Doctor Who Infinity was a long and complicated one. First and foremost, let me just mention that this is my first post about the long-running British TV show. And secondly, although I’ve not written about Doctor Who before, I have written about the 2020 version of Dracula. Just recently in fact. Which as you may know is written by the one and only Steven Moffat. And that’s not all. I recently made a nice look back at Good Omens. A TV series that also has David Tennant in the lead role. But I’m here about Doctor Who Infinity. What’s so special about it? Well, scroll down to find out.

Doctor Who Infinity

What’s Doctor Who Infinity All About?

Well, first and foremost Doctor Who Infinity is a platform in which each story features a different Doctor from the 55-year history of the show. Including both modern and classic Doctors, companions, monsters as well as entirely new characters to discover!

Developed by Tny Rebel Games and Seed Studio, and published by Tny Rebel Games alone, Doctor Who Infinity is a gem for every Doctor Who fan. Each story is brought to life with actors narrating, as part of an amazing audio experience. And of course, each story is visually brought to life with a combination of comic book style cut scenes. They’re interwoven with gameplay tightly designed to mirror the narrative beats of the story, which naturally makes the platform that much interesting.

And last but not least, we do have plenty of Doctor Who Infinity games on sale. Feel free to snoop around IndieGala and pick the best one for you. But hurry up! That sale is not going to last that much longer.

  • Doctor Who Infinity

Doctor Who Infinity And My Love For The Doctor

Yes, I’ll be talking about (for the most part anyway) my favorite doctor of Doctor Who. The 10th doctor. While I did enjoy the enthusiasm and creative liberty that Matt Smith brought to the table, Tennant’s portrayal remains number one in my book. Let me explain why.

Disclaimer! This particular post is my reasoning why Tennant is the best Doctor in the entire Doctor Who series. While my view may differ from yours, I’d very much love to know your favorite Doctor as well. Let me know in the comment section.

Let’s begin! First of all, let me just break down the obvious. The brief stint of the 9th was the weird honeymoon phase for Moffat because much like him, the entire show was still figuring it out. Ecclestone albeit a fine actor seems even now, simply wasted in the series. Which is why I think, Moffat (Russel T. Davies too) and the rest of the writers tried to do better with Tennant in the 10th.


NO, Fezzes And Bowties Are Not Cool

Sorry mate! They’re not cool and they’ll never be. But I digress. Yes, I know I’ll catch some wrath about this, but 10th had a better costume. And companions as well, but I’ll get to them in a second. But the costume observation is just the façade of the character, and barely scratching the persona. No, what I loved about the character is how he view us. The people, humanity in general and pretty much everything that has to do with life on this weird little planet. 

While the 9th was bit lost, the 10th found humanity, while still maintaining his goofy nature. And always loved his world-view. The way he appreciated the great things about humanity, the way he responded to the bad. He celebrated our humanity, he protected us and made us feel good about ourselves. He had joy and playfulness, that wasn’t off-putting or perceived as arrogant. Not to mention, Tennant’s doctor handled emotions fantastically, and he was at times more a human than any of us.


Tenant’s Acting Range Was Off The Charts!

And you know about that persona I was walking about earlier? Well, no amount of good writing will have to do if you don’t have a good actor to fill the shoes. Which, I’m happy to report that Tennant really did. His range of emotions was so expressive and on the point that you just know what you’re dealing with (well most of the time). But that range man! Just check out the Midnight episode. Or The Stolen Earth. He’s bloody incredible.  

Not to mention that he could go from a playful puppy mode to a raging, extremely dangerous creature. It’s astonishing really. The fact that he was a lot more in those shoes (in comparison to Ecclestone anyway) did help in our introduction and eventual acceptance of the character. But he did have a better relationship with his companions as well. Especially Rose and Donna. Tennant really poured his heart and soul into the role, and you can really tell. For instance, the 11 needed some time to get comfortable and to get good, but Tennant really started beautifully from scene 1.

A Tardis Cookie Jar I got as a B-Day Present From my friend and ex-colleague

Funnier, Friendlier and More Energetic Doctor

And yes, in addition to the understanding of our humanity (and eventual gaining of humanity), the 10th is by far the funnier, friendlier and energetic doctor. He was also, outspoken, charming, with a killer wit and intelligence.

And in case you’re wondering, I don’t really care about the latest doctor. Yes, I’ve seen episodes with the 13th doctor (played by Jodie Whittaker), but I don’t like them. And people are often astounded when I tell them that. Yes, I can dislike a female Doctor even though I’m a woman. Just as I disliked the female Ghostbusters. It’s not a big deal.

Doctor Who Infinity: Which Doctor Is Your Favorite?

Now you know more about my Doctor’s preferences. I can’t wait to hear more about yours. Which doctor is your favorite? Perhaps the 12th? Hey, no judgment.  Hit that comment section and let me know.

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