Behold! Our Crypto sale had just begun, and we at IndieGala couldn’t be happier about that. And what is a Crypto sale you might ask? Well, it’s similar to any other sale that we have at IndieGala. But in this one, you can actually purchase our offers with cryptocurrency at an even lower price than usual. Sounds cool right? We thought so too.

What’s The Crypto Sale All About?

Well, by all means, let us explain. As I previously mentioned it’s a sale on some of our finest and most awesome games and bundles. It has already started, but don’t fuss about it. It’s also going to last well until February 14th. However, the cool thing about this sale is that you can purchase your favorite games with your favorite supported cryptocurrency and additionally save an extra 15-30% from the final price. Indeed. There are plenty of options for you, so don’t miss out on any of them.

Announcement for our Crypto Sale

And What About The Games In The Crypto Sale?

Again, there’s plenty of great games to choose from. Anything from the upcoming Resident Evil Village, newly released Empire Of Sin, Prison Architect and everyone’s favorite Doctor. Doctor Who Infinity is in the Crypto Sale As well. But if you want a better understanding of everything that’s available in the Crypto Sale, feel free to click here. And snoop around of course. We’re delighted to offer such a vast and varied array of quality games. So, don’t settle for anything other than the best for you. You know what to do.

But along with the theme of this post, I figured that it’s also great to touch on some of my favorite documentaries about Cryptocurrencies. Just a few flicks to put you in a better mood for our Crypto Sale. Which movies made the cut here? Scroll down to find out. And we hope that you’ll like our picks, but we also would love to know yours as well. Let us know in the comment section which Cryptocurrency documentary is your favorite.

Bitcoin: The End of Money as We Know It

IMDB calls Bitcoin: The End of Money as We Know It a concise and informative crash course about Money and Cryptocurrencies. And it’s true. But at the same time, the 2019 documentary scored 7.1 on this site and it’s now considered as one of the best documentaries about Bitcoin. Torsten Hoffmann and Michael Watchulonis are the directors of the documentary. However, the movie itself traces the history of money.

From the bartering societies of the ancient world to the trading floors of Wall Street. It also highlights the Government’s influence on the money creation process and how it causes inflation. And this particular movie takes it a step further. It really explains how the banks make “magic money” with the federal reserve to keep things moving. It’s a perfect starting point for any Cryptocurrency enthusiasts, but you’ll also enjoy it if you’re just a curious person. Bitcoin: The End of Money as We Know It is informative and worth your time.

Banking on Bitcoin

Banking on Bitcoin shows us the players who are defining how this technology will shape our lives. Directed and co-written by Christopher Cannucciari, Banking on Bitcoin exposes Bitcoin’s early pioneers. They want to blur the lines of sovereignty and the financial status quo, but their efforts paid off. After years of underground development, Bitcoin grabbed the attention of a curious public. And the ire of the regulators the technology had subverted. The movie does a great job explaining the basic concepts and ideas behind Bitcoin. And while some call it propaganda, it’s a provocative movie nonetheless. Check it out if you have the chance.

Magic Money: The Bitcoin Revolution

Bitcoin. We all know about it now. But what about the inception of Bitcoin? Where did this currency come from? How does it work? And is it truly the way forward, or just a flash in the pan? Magic Money answers these questions and more. As it explores the mysterious origins of Bitcoin, its role in society, and how it could shape the future of our world. Directed by Tim Delmastro, Magic Money: The Bitcoin Revolution is an interesting piece of film history. It’s also a great way to start your education on the next generation of transaction methodologies. Magic Money: The Bitcoin Revolution is an hour-long movie, so you can definitely find time to check it out.

The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin

Directed by Nicholas Mross, The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin is a 2014 documentary about Daniel Mross. The director’s brother. A computer programmer and Crypto enthusiast. After discovering Bitcoin in 2011, his love and obsession for the cryptocurrency were born. All the while revealing an uncharted new world with endless possibilities worth exploring. But as we see his involvement in the Bitcoin community, we also learn about the impending global impact of Cryptocurrency. It’s a great informative and interesting documentary. And yes, it’s worth your time, despite being a bit longer than the previous one.

The Bitcoin Gospel

Last but not least. And yes, Bitcoin Gospel examines where the bottom line lies, now that this global currency has grown to maturity. Is Bitcoin the blueprint for fair money, separated from banks or states? Or the largest pyramid scheme ever? And what if an ordinary citizen could bypass all the regulations and manipulation of the financial industry? In order to become their own bank of course? The insightful The Bitcoin Gospel documentary examines one such method in its 49 minutes or runtime. It’s a little too heavy on the “Gospel” side of things (if you’re not into Gospel you’re going to have an issue with it). But overall it’s a good documentary about the blockchain/bitcoin movement. If you’re a Blockchain fan, you might want to check it out.–IzMY

Will You Check Out Our Crypto Sale?

Let us know if you will. And of course, let us know which is your favorite game out of the entire sale. What you’ll be focusing on? Let us know in the comment section. We’d love to know all about it.

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