Superhot: Mind Control Delete

No one expected such a game during this time of year, but Superhot: Mind Control Delete is finally available.

A surprise that made the fans of the first chapter happy. I want to include myself among the excited people for this release because some time ago I dedicated a couple of lines to Superhot, a revolutionary and fun FPS.

But is it worth playing this other game? Well, let’s find out together in my review of Superhot: Mind Control Delete.

Superhot: Mind Control Delete, why so much excitement?

Superhot Mind Control Delete is exciting

If you don’t know Superhot, I know what you’re thinking: “Why so much excitement for this video game?”. Well, let me explain in a nutshell what the concept behind the game is. In Superhot you control a fast and lethal character. The purpose of the game is to overcome different levels, killing enemies. That’s all. Ah, there’s a little detail: if one of the enemies hits you, you’re dead!

I think this gameplay is brilliant because it allows the player to use creativity and pay attention to every stage of the game. Moreover, it’s nice to see a very competitive FPS, a big difference compared to other videogames of the genre.

If you want to try the first chapter, you can find it here in our store. However, I want to tell you that you do not need to play it for the plot since Mind Control Delete is not a real sequel but a kind of “expansion“. In what sense? Let’s go deeper into this definition.

Worthy gameplay?

Superhot: Mind Control Delete is an expansion of the first game in the sense that it expands everything good. I don’t know if I’ve done it right, but every step of the first chapter is being improved.

For example, there are so many missions available. You’ll be completing levels you’ve never seen before. The gaming experience will be satisfying and you will have the right amount of shootings or kills.

Plus, in this game were added novelties related to the freedom of the player. In Superhot: Mind Control Delete you will have total freedom of your character. I mean, you can unleash your imagination and constantly try new tactics. In this way, even if the purpose is the same, the gameplay is NEVER REPETITIVE. Well, I think someone might learn something from this concept

Returning to the review, I want to point out the addition of upgrades that you can unlock after passing levels. Another innovation that I appreciated and that enriches, even more, the gameplay. Thanks to the “hacks“, the so-called upgrades of the game, you can build your original character, just like in the best Action RPG.

Ultimately, with Superhot: Mind Control Delete you’ll have about three times more content than the original game. Not bad, is it?

An unsatisfactory plot

Superhot: Mind Control Delete hasn't a good plot
A punch in the face for plot lovers

The plot of the first Superhot was interesting. Of course, there was not a very deep story, but those few hints were compelling. Also, I liked to see how the plot knocked down the fourth wall.

Regardless, the plot in this expansion is really poor. There are no insights and everything is superficial. Of course, I understand that the developers have focused on gameplay, but in my opinion, it was worth inserting twists in this game.

A weakness? Well, it’s the tip of the iceberg of the biggest flaw of Superhot: Mind Control Delete.

Superhot: Mind Control Delete, reuse the same technical aspects is not a good idea

Here I must emphasize a flaw that disappointed me. I mean, I thought this expansion was going to improve the technical aspects of the game. Of course, the graphics are slightly improved compared to the first chapter. Enemies explode in a thousand pieces when you eliminate them and it is always spectacular to see them burst.

Regardless, I think it is normal to expect improvement because the first chapter debuted about 4 years ago! Also, the graphic style is always the same. Although the maps have a great game design, there are no innovations from aesthetic style.

I understand that the graphics fit perfectly with the atmosphere of the game, but come on, I expected something more! Besides, the soundtrack and audio effects are the same as the first game. Developers, you had little desire to work from a technical point of view, didn’t you?

Well, that disappointed me, because the soundtrack always plays a big part in videogame development. Not surprisingly, among my favorites, there are always games that have an inspiring soundtrack. Anyway, I hope that the Superhot Team can make up for it with the next game, maybe making a great sequel!

Try the game and express your opinion

What do you think of the Superhot franchise? Do you think that this game is revolutionary or do you consider it an unsuccessful experiment? And what do you think of Superhot VR, the chapter created to let you try virtual reality? I’d like your opinion on that. Feel free to share a comment with the Indiegala community by telling your experience with the game.

Alternatively, if you want to try Superhot: Mind Control Delete, then you will find it here in our store at a special price.

Are you ready for a frantic, fun, and adrenaline-filled experience? Train your reflexes and eliminate enemies with Superhot: Mind Control Delete!

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