Fallout Series

Just a while ago, I had the pleasure to write about Doom. But now is time for another intellectual property from Bethesda Softworks. The Fallout Series. Indeed, the iconic Fallout Franchise is next on my agenda here at IndieGala, and I’m excited about it. It’s not that often that I got to write about the iconic and long-lasting gaming series. I mean sure, the Silent Hill franchise was recently on my daily menu. In two separate posts no less. Seriously, check them out here if you’re curious. Or in case you’ve missed those posts, I’ll link them again. Because why not? The writing process was way too fun anyway.

But aside from the Silent Hill and Doom, I’ve covered the Resident Evil series as well. And Monster Hunter too. Not to mention the Far Cry Series, with emphasis on the upcoming Far Cry 6 and the main star in it. The One and only Giancarlo Esposito. But what is so special about Fallout, that there are different TV adaptations from the same game series?

Fallout Series

Focusing On The Old and New Fallout Series

Well, as I previously mentioned, the Fallout series is an iconic action RPG game. And we do have almost the entire catalog for your gaming pleasure. Seriously. The IndieGala’s partnership with Bethesda offered us a unique insight into the company’s catalog, and we’re extremely proud of it. So if you’re interested in some of the Fallout games, feel free to snoop around and pick the best for you. We have a huge Fallout variety here at IndieGala, that’s definitely worth exploring.

But on the subject of the game series, we’re talking about an exciting RPG series set in a post-apocalyptic world. It’s also a massive world with incredible attention to detail. Not to mention the world is incredible as it’s bleak and grotesque. You have different play styles, branching story-lines and fantastic characters. While other games tell you who you are in them, Fallout lets you decide on that. Think about that for a second.

Fallout Series

Fallout 3 Is My Favorite (So Far)

And I must confess something as well. From all the game series, the only one that I have tried out (so far) is Fallout 3. I’m yet to try out the rest of the games, and who knows… Maybe once I do, I’ll have more favorites as well. But Fallout 3 is also my husband’s favorite game from the entire franchise. Admittedly he has a special place in his heart for the third installment, and he managed to transfer that love on to me. But aside from the transferred influence, I also loved the Capital Wasteland setting, the Lone Wanderer character, the atmosphere and the story.

Back To The Fallout TV Series

I enjoyed Fallout 3 for sure, but I’m here to focus on the Fallout TV series. Which ones you might ask? Well, I’m here to discuss two very separate TV series based on the iconic video game. Let’s start with the announced upcoming Fallout TV series. Amazon Prime and the acclaimed creators of Westworld (the TV series) Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy are working on it. It’s an exciting collaboration for sure, and I can’t wait for the final product. 

Amazon has already bought the rights from Bethesda, and the TV series is expected to air somewhere in 2022. On Amazon Prime of course. Also, for the time being, there’s no word on the cast and crew of the series, and there’s no show-runner as well. But there’s an announcement teaser that should probably get you hyped for the TV series.

And to tell you the truth, Joy and Nolan seem like obvious choices for the Fallout TV series. I mean they are both influenced by video games in their creations, and that’s especially evident in the Westworld series. There’s a clear and present homage from games like Red Dead Redemption and even BioShock to a certain extent. I can’t wait to see how they’re going to transfer the Fallout world on the small screen. In the surge of video game adaptations (The Witcher, Resident Evil, animated Devil May Cry) we’ll just have to wait and see if Fallout will deliver the goods.

The Fan-Made TV Series Is Impressive As Well

Indeed, the hard-core fans of Fallout, know all about the fan-made TV series. In fact, it’s a low budget, web series that premiered back in 2011. Fallout: Nuka Break is a multi-season web series that is unofficial and made without the involvement of Bethesda. But it’s rather good I might add. It’s also available on YouTube and you should give it a shot. I mean even Kotaku had nothing but nice flattering things about it.

What’s Fallout: Nuka Break all about you might ask? Well, is about a group of adventurers trying to survive in the harsh world of Fallout. Nuka Break features three main characters (a “Vault dweller, his ghoul companion, and a slave that they freed from New Vegas). And in case you’re wondering, the setting is directly derived both Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. There are 15 episodes in the 3 seasons of Fallout: Nuka Break, with one additional pilot and 1 TV special as well.

A Reluctant No From Doug Jones

Not to mention, one of my favorite actors ever Doug Jones (Hellboy, Pan’s Labyrinth) has a cameo role in this fan-made TV series. Now, be prepared for a bit of shameless self-promotion from my early days as a journalist. Back in 2009 (seems like ages ago I know) I contacted Doug’s publicist in order to „grab“ a brief interview from the actor. However, after several attempts and lots of patience on my side (I do mean LOTS), my inquiry was abruptly denied.

Mayor Touch Conners | Fallout: Nuka Break Wiki | Fandom

As you can see from my email correspondence, I even sent the questions for the interview and Mr. Jones initially agreed to do it. But his busy schedule prevented from that even happening, and I remember being a little bummed out because of that. Oh well. More than a decade later it’s a fascinating experience that I look back to with fondness and admiration. I’m still a Doug Jones fan in case you are wondering, and I still admire his talents. 

  • Doug Jones

Are You Excited About The Upcoming Fallout Series?

Or are you a fan of the fan-made product? The web-series doesn’t have the blessing from Bethesda and even the budget from a company like Amazon. But it does have lots of love put into it. The creators are massive fans of the Fallout game series, and who knows… You might enjoy watching it as much as I did. Perhaps even more.

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