Sniper Ghost Warrior 3

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 didn’t hit me right away. To tell you the truth, I was afraid it was a mediocre game. Of course, I started with prejudices, since the first two chapters of the series did not excite me.

However, after trying it I had to change my mind. Why? Well, here are the things that impressed me in this review about the game!

A story of brotherhood and killing

Sniper bad guy
He’s the bad guy, how did you know?

The first thing that impressed me positively about the game was its plot. I must admit that the story of the game is incredibly addictive and will manage to immerse you in an incredible atmosphere.

You’re playing Marine Captain Jon North, sent to an Eastern European country to stop terrorists. The purpose of these evil fools is to use biochemical weapons dating back to the “Cold War” period. Your brother will accompany you on this dangerous mission, Robert. However, a man named Vasilisk, the chief terrorist, will capture your brother and make your mission fail.

After two years, the injuries of those events still involve you, but in Georgia, during another stealth task, you will find revenge. Can you avenge your brother’s abduction and bring justice to the terrorists? Well, you’ll only succeed if you make the most of your sniper skills.

One piece of advice: don’t think that history is predictable and trivial. Some twists might change your mind, so pay attention to the smallest details of the plot.

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3: an open-world to discover

Game map

In addition to the plot, one of the most convincing aspects of this game is the open-world. The area to explore is incredibly vast, you will find numerous places to hide and kill enemies. That’s right, you’ll have to pay attention to the many enemies lurking on the ground. The latter will monitor the area and be ready to attack you at all times. However, just like in games like Ghost Recon Breakpoint, you can decide on different ways to clear the zone.

I want to give you some advice though, always choose to kill from the long distance. You’re a sniper, so prove your skills with the sniper rifle. Besides, every time you perform a spectacular kill, you can enjoy the Kill Cam, a slow-motion replay that will highlight the hit points. Trust me, it’s pure enjoyment!

Of course, you can also choose to approach the enemies closely and eliminate them with melee combat. However, go for the stealth way: you will not regret it!

Varied and non-linear gameplay

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 gameplay

Compared to the previous chapters, this game has much more varied gameplay. The developers of the CI Games team have decided to offer more freedom to the player, a move that I think proved very right.

The game is a tactical FPS and you will experience different techniques to be able to advance in your adventure. In addition to your combat skills, you’ll have a wide repertoire of objects and abilities that allow you to determine how you can proceed.

I found Scout Mode very useful, a feature that allows you to highlight dangerous areas or traps left by enemies. Also, you can take advantage of the drone, an absolute novelty of this third chapter of the series. With this tool, you can create distractions or hack the enemy systems, a great way to pass undisturbed and save ammunition.

I also want to mention the survival aspect of the game. You will have to find the right equipment to move forward, otherwise, in some situations you may get stuck, surrounded by enemies. Don’t just follow one path: explore the game world and be lethal.

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 has wonderful graphics

game graphics

One thing that will keep you speechless about this game is its graphics engine. CI Games has developed this title focusing on Cryengine. These efforts were rewarded by getting a wonderful game from the aesthetic point of view. The game world is alive and colorful, with locations that will make you amaze. To make the most of this, I suggest you choose a computer that meets the recommended requirements of the game. Believe me, the gaming experience will change dramatically if you try the title on a powerful computer.

Immerse yourself in the Georgian tundra and blend in with the environment: can you be a predator by exploiting the graphic details?

So this is a perfect game?

Game flaws
You’re in the crosshairs!

The answer is no. In some respects, Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 may seem like a fantastic and spectacular game. Regardless, from my point of view, it has a big flaw: the enemy AI is too poor.

I want to explain it better, enemies will sometimes give you a hard time, but other times, well, they’ll look like stupid puppets. There is no real level of challenge and even the most complicated situations will become easy if you exploit the stupidity of enemies.

Moreover, you have a lot of possibilities at your disposal, maybe too many. You will ALWAYS find a way to avoid the game over. You know, I love hard games, well, maybe not too hard games like Fallback, so once you’ve completed them you’ll be satisfied.

If you agree with me, Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 will disappoint you for its difficulty, but if you appreciate games that can not stress you out too much, you’ll be comfortable with this title.

Try or not try Sniper Ghost Warrior 3?

It is up to you to choose whether or not to try the title. I advise you to give it a chance, you will get a great game, long-lived, and great graphics.

You can find it on offer at a special price in our store, do not miss it. If you have already tried the game, let me know what you think, share your opinion with users of the Indiegala community, and discuss it together!

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