What’s the connection between open-world games and quarantine? Well, in this time of total lockdown, I understand that someone wants to be free to return to explore their city and enjoy the outdoors.

Personally, I find it really hard to get over some boring days. Regardless, there are some open-world games that I think are a blessing to satisfy your desire for wandering around.

Here is a special selection of games that can be exceptional and can let your imagination fly!

No Man’s Sky

One of the best open world games

No Man’s Sky is a title that was supposed to revolutionize the open-world genre, even though it was initially boycotted by a large part of the public. In fact, I remember how the video game was initially repetitive and even though it showed an entire universe of play, it was “empty“.

The same resources to take, planets that had already been discovered, “aliens” not at all exciting: complete boredom. However, thanks to numerous updates and the work of the development team, today No Man’s Sky is an extremely valid title. It’s able to entertain just for its vastness!

Besides, the interactions between different players have increased, thanks to a renewed multiplayer system. Now, you can find yourself trading and doing secondary quests with new friends.

An ideal game to satisfy your desire for exploration, available now at a discounted price!

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3

Sniper Ghost Warrior, the first open-world game of the saga

Do you want to enjoy freedom and yet be always on alert? To discover new things, but be afraid to be discovered...at any moment? Then you have to choose this game! In Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 you can explore a vast map, full of secondary missions and tasks to accomplish.

If you ask me, the game is not very difficult, due to limited AI. However, I did not find this aspect a serious flaw. It allowed me to enjoy the graphics of the game and study step by step the actions I need to take.

In the various missions, you will be completely alone and you will have to choose the right tactic to attack the enemy. Also, you must find the perfect location for your sniper rifle. Moreover, I appreciated the ballistics of the game, which takes into account multiple factors such as distance and wind strength.

Believe me, it’s worth giving it a chance.

Die Young

Lately, it’s not easy to find open-world games that can match a compelling story to a varied map. Die Young is an exception to the rule. The plot is the real strength of this title, a compelling story that you can live completely. Witnessing the evolution of the protagonist, who as a worldly girl becomes a wild survivor, is an experience that will amaze you.

To all this, you add survival gameplay that will test you. You’ll have to be able to make your weapons to fight the enemies and you’ll have to try to stay hydrated at all times. It isn’t easy to find the necessary resources. Trust me, sometimes you will get tired in your incessant search.

Die Young is a pleasant discovery. Surely, I recommend you buy now the deluxe edition, available at a special price in our store. But you may also find it directly on the Steam Store.

Monster Hunter World

Well, I know, it’s not (truly) an open-world game, but a masterpiece like Monster Hunter: World could not miss this list. Each habitat is alive in this game. You will be amazed by the attention to graphic details, exceptionally beautiful to see.

Not to mention the enormous longevity of the game, which between the main story, the secondary quests, commissions for various NPCs ensures tens of hours of play. To give you an example, my run is still active and I have exceeded the 60 hours of game…not really a Call of Duty to be clear!

If then after the many hours of play spent hunting the different creatures you still want to do, you can decide to buy the Iceborne expansion. This is not a classic DLC but a sort of additional chapter, implementing a completely new habitat and monsters that will make you shudder. We hope that in the next Monster Hunter movie there may be similar elements.

While it may not be an open-game, the experience truly feels free and liberating.

Death Stranding: Kojima’s vision of Open-World games

Death Stranding for PC

I know what you’re thinking: “But Death Stranding is not available on PC!”. And that’s where you’re wrong. It’s not yet! But, on our store you can find a great chance to pre-order the game, which will provide you with a Steam key once it comes out. In this way you can experience on your PC the latest work of Kojima.

Ready for an unforgettable journey in a hostile open-world? If you want to know more about this masterpiece that revolutionized the world of video games, then you can read its full review (coming soon).

Open-World games: do you have other suggestions?

These were the open-world games that I wanted to recommend. Do you have other useful tips to better overcome the lockdown period? Well, let us know in the comments!

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