Drug Dealer Simulator

Yes, we do have a game called Drug Dealer Simulator, but trust us. IndieGala is not endorsing drug smuggling or drug abuse of any kind. In the words of Nancy Reagan… Just Say NO To Drugs! Coincidentally, today is also International Coffee Day, which might also be considered by some a drug, but if consumed in moderation, it can have beneficial effects.

However, much like the many other simulation games, we have on hand, we also have Drug Dealer Simulator. You don’t particularly care about train simulators? Or fishing simulators? How about Golf simulators? We even have some nice articles about them. Check them out here. And here. No? Well, perhaps Drug Dealer Simulator will be more up your alley.

Drug Dealer Simulator

But What’s Drug Dealer Simulator You Might Ask?

Well much like the title suggests, it’s a simulator game that allows you to be a drug dealer. Developed by Byterunners Game Studio and published by Movie Games S. A., Drug Dealer Simulator is for everyone that loves to live dangerously. Have you ever thought about expanding your own crime empire, without the legal and moral consequences? SIMULATE IT! Now you will finally be able to crawl into the dark alleys of the drug dealing business!

Start small, and grow BIG!

First and foremost you must begin your story in a small dirty hideout. And then make your way up to control the territory. Hiring your own minions, and doing dangerous business is next. Finally, you can become a street business mastermind. Or a ruthless gangster. It’s up to you!

Drug Dealer Simulator is available for purchase here at IndieGala. All you have to do is click here and do your thing.

Cash, drugs, and rock’n’roll…Or something like that. But if Drug Dealer Simulator isn’t doing anything for you, perhaps you should check out some of our other simulator games. Firefighting simulator is a great game (available here) and so is Hunting Simulator 2 (available here). You know what? Here’s a nice list of all of our simulator games- all in one place. So make sure to take your time, scroll down and take your pick here.

But what are some of the Steam comments saying about the game?

*Jmicahcarter says: Somehow, it is immensely satisfying to hook these virtual customers with what they want without worrying about the legal consequences of the victim-less crime.

*While Oxy adds: Super fun but also very scary when the cops chase you down and u just sold 20 grams of meth u get shook.

And which movies go well with Drug Dealer Simulator?

Well, movies with drug dealer characters of course. No, for the purpose of diversity and just plain old fun, I made a nice eclectic little list. And on it, I have movies in which the lead character is a drug dealer and movies in which the supporting character is a drug dealer. Not to mention movies where the entire plot revolves around drugs. So, there’s plenty for everyone. However, we can’t wait to hear your picks for this article. Which are some of your favorite movies that have drug dealers in them? Hit that comment section and let us know.

  • Drug Dealer Simulator

Pineapple Express

Pineapple Express is the perfect pick to start this list. It has plenty of drug dealers and Jame Franco in one of his finest performances. But the movie is about the unlikely journey that one lazy process server and his marijuana dealer have. Right after witnessing a murder. They’ll immediately get on the run, but the fun is actually in the hilarious banter between these two pot-heads. Seth Rogen is his usual silly/stoned self here. But James Franco really steals the show in Pineapple Express. He’s so good, and frankly, his comedic timing is on point. I really recommend this movie.

Fun fact: This is the first marijuana-themed comedy to gross over $100 million worldwide.

Pulp Fiction

Warning. This is the first out of 2 movies that have the name of Quentin Tarantino written on them. Scroll down to find out which is the second movie. But Pulp Fiction is a true 90’s classic and one of Tarantino’s best. And Pulp Fiction has everything. Not just drug dealers (hi Lance). It has gangsters, hitmen, bandits and probably one of the best scripts ever written. Not to mention a fine cast of actors, some of which are in Tarantino’s repertoire to this day. I’m talking about Samuel L. Jackson, Uma Thurman, Tim Roth and yeah. This is a must-watch for every true film buff.

Fun fact: The word “fuck” is used two hundred sixty-five times.

City Of God

Can you believe that it’s been almost 2 decades since the release of City Of God? And if I say so myself, it’s still a masterpiece. But the movie is about two different men, and the very different path they’ll choose in the poverty-stricken favelas of Rio De Janeiro. But the movie paints a very realistic picture of gang violence, poverty, crime and just life in some of the poorest areas in Rio. However, the movie excels in other areas as well. Most notably in direction and cinematography. Oh, and that intro scene is still one of the best you’ll ever see. Truly a piece of art, don’t you think?

Fun fact: All the amateur actors were recruited from “favelas” (slums) in Rio de Janeiro. A couple of them (for instance Alexandre Rodrigues) actually lived in the Cidade de Deus (City of God) itself.


And why not throw in a biopic with real-life events in the mix? Yes, I’m talking about Blow and a different type of drug dealer. Johnny Depp has the lead role in Blow. Indeed. He’s George Jung, the notorious cocaine smuggler who was sentenced to 70 years in prison in 1994 on conspiracy charges. However, the movie is also based on the real-life stories of Jung, Pablo Escobar, Carlos Lehder Rivas and the notorious Madelin cartel. And it’s the last movie that Ted Demme directed before his untimely death. It’s a must-watch movie from the early 2000s.

Fun fact: To prepare for the role, Johnny Depp interviewed the real George Jung in prison.

True Romance

Told ya there’s another Tarantino movie on this list. Well, it a movie that’s only written by Tarantino, but still awesome nonetheless. It has an assemble of fantastic actors, but I have to new some of my favorites. Patricia Arquette is stellar here, and so is Christian Slater. But damn it, how awesome is Gary Oldman in this movie? His screen-time is short, but oh my GOD. He’s truly incredible as Drexl, don’t you think? Oh, and Christopher Walken and Dennis Hopper have one of the most wackiest dialogues ever written for a motion picture film. Seriously, the Sicilian scene is something else. But True Romance is living up to the title really. It’s about a geek who’ll fell head over heels for a call girl. But when he attempts to sell the stolen cocaine from her pimp… Well, let’s just say things will not go smoothly.

Fun fact: Gary Oldman met with Tony Scott about the project, and told him he hadn’t had a chance to read the script he’d been sent. Next, he asked Scott what his part would be like. Scott told him “You’re playing a white guy who thinks he’s black, and you’re a killer pimp.” Needless to say, Oldman laughed and immediately accepted the role.

What Are Your Thoughts On Drug Dealer Simulator?

Let us know in the comment section. We’d love to know all about it. And we’d love to know your favorite movies that have drug dealers in them.

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