
I love Deponia! The game published by Daedalic Entertainment is the first chapter of a fantastic saga. This is the game you have to try if you want to get a fun and smart graphic adventure.

For a limited time, you can get Deponia for FREE on Indiegala. But before that, I think we should find out more about the game. Here’s everything you need to find out about it in my game review!

Deponia: meet Rufus, the eccentric protagonist

Rufus Deponia

The plot revolves around Rufus, a special character that you will love throughout your gameplay. Rufus lives in his homeworld Deponia. Once, this place was the home of many citizens, but over time it became a landfill. Rufus’s dream is to leave this world in ruins and travel to Elysium, a heavenly and ethereal city.

However, during his trip, the boy will face many obstacles. A strange encounter with Gal, a girl who has difficulty talking, will prompt him to momentarily change his plans. Will Rufus overcome his difficulties and fulfill his dream? Who knows, maybe Rufus on his path might have met the girl of his dreams. Hey, that’s enough, I don’t want to anticipate or spoil anything. Well, you’ll have to find out by playing Deponia!

I assure you that the plot of the game is enjoyable. If you want a preview of what awaits you, here is the trailer of the game!

Sarcasm, cynicism…


Daedalic Entertainment is regarded as the German Lucasarts. Many appreciate the work of this publisher. With Deponia, the software house confirmed this “nickname”. Why? Well, as a graphic adventure, Deponia takes inspiration from the Monkey Island saga.

Of course, I don’t want to say that this game is a kind of copy of the adventures of Guybrush Threepwood. Indeed, Deponia is an original title. Regardless, some situations reminded me a lot of the masterpiece of Lucasarts.

For example, in some cases the cynicism of the protagonist made me laugh to death. There will be moments that you can smile with joy thanks to the sarcasm of the characters in the game. While you play, expect sharp dialogues and funny jokes.

Thanks to the script, the entire gameplay becomes a huge discovery that will involve you to the maximum. Deponia is a great video game to try if you want to take away the melancholy and enjoy moments of lightheartedness.

…and action

Actions of the game

I want to give you some advice, don’t turn your brain off while you’re playing. Deponia is full of puzzles to solve. You have to remember that the game is a classic graphic adventure, so the gameplay is based on puzzles or enigmas.

Sometimes you’ll have to push your brain to find the solution and continue your adventure. Often the solution is simpler than it seems, do not forget this factor!

The action is not lacking in this video game, thanks to easy gameplay, but don’t take it for granted. Of course, do not think that this title is dynamic or hectic. It is a graphic adventure, not an FPS.

If you want adrenaline, you can try other titles. With Deponia you have to play using your mind, having fun reading the dialogues of the various protagonists. Will you rise to the challenge?

Deponia has an attractive graphic style

Deponia graphics

One thing that strikes me about the game is its graphic style. If you look at the graphics of the game, you will realize that the animations are original. I think this style mixes cartoon and comic elements. The game conveys serenity and fun from the first look!

Moreover, you can admire different scenarios during your gameplay. In some cases, you will be amazed at the particularity of the background. Thanks to its graphics, the game will make you fully enter a strange and sci-fi world. I mean, do you not want this feeling?

If you want to imagine this game, think of a mix of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Terry Pratchett’s books, and Futurama’s. You’re even more curious to prove it now, aren’t you?

An unexpectedly longevous game

Usually, a graphic adventure game lasts a little. To complete a title of this genre, you can take a few hours. Deponia differs in this respect.

The game is quite longevous, it will allow you to play for several hours. At some point, the story seems to continue indefinitely. Continuously, there will be new details to the plot. I don’t want to tell you nonsense, if you have trouble solving the puzzles, you can play Deponia for over 10 hours.

I mean, it is a fun, addictive game that lasts a lot: what else do you want!?

Deponia: it’s just the first chapter of the saga

When it debuted, this game was a great success. So, Daedalic Entertainment created other chapters of the franchise, all with similar features. I’ve played several games in the series, I can assure you it’s worth a try. In detail, the games are Chaos on Deponia, Goodbye Deponia, and Deponia Doomsday.

The first chapter of the series can be your springboard to discover a saga that until now you may have underestimated. If you are interested, here you can read my brief comment on Deponia Doomsday, the “alternative” game of the series.

Deponia’s universe awaits you, will you be a valiant hero?

How can you try Deponia?

It’s simple, for this special period you can get the game for FREE! Indiegala releases it as a bonus game if you make a purchase worth $10/€9/£8!

Choose the game you want in the store buy it and you can receive a twofer: two video games for the price of one!

Plus, if you have already tried the game, let me know your opinion. Comment on the article, share your thoughts, and discuss with the Indiegala Community.

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