Bloodstained: Ritual of the night

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is a game that gets you involved and passionate despite its fairly simple mechanics. This title belongs to the “Metroidvania” category that perhaps brings to mind masterpieces of the genre.

Personally, I have to say that at first, I didn’t think much of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. My opinion changed after I tried it. Here are the main factors that made me change my mind about this videogame gem.

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is not for you, if you like easy games

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is not an easy game

First of all, you have to know one thing before playing this opera: it is not at all easy. Of course, we are not talking about a difficulty equal to Dark Souls, but it is still has high level of challenge.

What makes the game so complicated? Well, hordes and hordes of enemies ready to take you out mercilessly. Besides, the game is in 2.5D graphics and you will have to pay the utmost attention to notice all the dangers. The rhythm of the game will be incessant and will not give you breath.

Moreover, the enemies will not go down after the first blow. You will have to find their weaknesses. I mean, if you’re used to the average difficulty of triple-A games, expect to die several times before you can figure out how the game works. Alternatively, if you like challenges, well, that’s exactly what you need.

Honestly, I never thought there could be such a game, but Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night really reminded me of the golden chapters of Castlevania series.

A dark setting with gothic areas

Basically, I must admit I have a weakness for dark atmospheres. I’m attracted to this particular decadence, it has a charm that I really can’t resist. If you have that weakness too, then Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night will be like paradise to you.

The settings are dark, mysterious, with an evil fog constantly enveloping them. Not to mention the lights that will accompany you on your way. A fabulous mix of blue, purple, red and black tones.

However, I found the exceptional game design rich and accurate. If you want to discover all the secrets of the game then you will have to explore the various areas. For quite some time, actually, without getting discouraged.

What about the main character?

Miriam, the Main Character in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

A “Metroidvania” game often focuses on action, leaving character development in the background. If you think about it, it is not easy to find games that have an amazing characterization of the hero.

Bloodstained: Ritual of the night can stand out and excel from this point of view. The protagonist is Miriam, an artificial being able to assimilate demonic powers and use them at will.

A strong warrior with delicate gothic lolita looks. This contradiction makes the girl very fascinating from the very beginning. Her innocence hides her real power, a force capable of destroying everything she meets in her path. But this character, despite being artificial, is she able to decide what is good and what is bad?

Well, you’re gonna find out during the game. It will blow your mind.

RPG elements: a sensational addition to gameplay

Character Creator in Bloodstained

Another thing that surprised me about Bloodstained: Ritual of the night is the addition of RPG elements. That’s right, during your run you can customize Miriam’s skills to adapt them to the way you play.

This aspect increases the longevity of the game since each run can be played in a new and original way. I don’t know about you, but this is something I just love so much. A game that allows you to continuously experiment and have fun without being a pure RPG, like Tyranny, it’s just magical.

I don’t want to spoil your experience, but if you want my advice: always keep an eye on the inventory and read descriptions of the objects you collect. This can be very useful, especially when you face enemies that seem impossible to defeat.

Nostalgic vibes with Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

If you love retro games and want to enjoy a level of challenge that will drive you crazy, you absolutely must not miss Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.

Honestly, I can assure you it will be worth giving this game a chance, especially if you are a long-standing gamer. However, thanks to RPG elements and fast-paced action, the title can still win you over, even if you are a novice video games enthusiast.

Finally, remember that you can secure Bloodstained: Ritual of the night at a special price in our store, do not miss this opportunity!

What are your favorite metroidvania titles? Let us know in the comments below.

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