Movember 2021

Hi guys. Help us celebrate Movember 2021. The annual event in which the world is trying to raise awareness for men’s health issues. Prostate and testicular cancer are especially important issues for every man out there and so is the men’s mental health.

Naturally, every November men grow mustaches in order to commemorate this month of observance. But we urge you to go beyond that. Movember is so much more than growing a mustache. The goal of Movember is to “change the face of men’s health.” Movember aims to increase early cancer detection, diagnosis and effective treatments. And ultimately reduce the number of preventable deaths.

Movember 2021

Besides annual check-ups, the Movember Foundation encourages men to be aware of family history of cancer and to adopt a healthier lifestyle. And it’s good to start that now. Make that doctor’s appointment. Have that dental check-up now. Start a healthier lifestyle. And don’t forget about your mental health. That’s important too. Celebrate Movember the right way. By taking care of you body and soul.

Cool Manly Video Games To Check Out For Movember 2021

Now, IndieGala wouldn’t be IndieGala if we don’t mention our pride and joy. The copious amounts of video games, sales and bundles that we currently have to offer right now. The Good Shepherd Entertainment Sale is a great sale to visit here. But feel free to visit our other sales as well. PQube Flash Sale offers up to 83% sale on certain games. You can check it out here. And there’s the fantastic Yu-Gi-Oh! Franchise Sale. A sale in which all of the titles are at 65% off. Visit it here.

Movember 2021: Slight Differences From Last Year’s Movember

Yup. Unlike last year’s Movember’s observance where we focus on cool, testosterone-filled movies and film characters (here’s a nice throwback)… Now in Movember 2021, we’ll focus on the video game characters. There are five awesome video game characters on this list and yes. They’re all fan favorites even here at IndieGala. Some of them you can find in some of our sale offers, while others are iconic all to themselves. But make no mistake. Practically none of them needs any particular introduction, but we’re going to do exactly that. Introduce them and explain why they’re awesome. Let’s begin, shall we?

Doomguy From Doom

Let’s start with something cool and familiar. Or rather someone cool and familiar. I’m talking about Doomguy of course. He’s a space marine dressed in green combat armor who rarely speaks onscreen. And his personality and backstory were intentionally vague to reinforce his role as a player avatar. Since there’s no name given for this character, everyone started calling him the Doomguy. Which I suppose seems appropriate. But he’s been a fan favorite for years now. There’s fan art, cosplay and merchandise with Doomguy and yes. We can safely say that he’s one of the most masculine characters out there. Oh and if you’re interested in our reviews of the two Doom film adaptations… By all means, head out here and here.

The Doom series is available for purchase here at IndieGala. Just click here, pick the best one for you and enjoy.

Ezio Auditore da Firenze From Assassin’s Creed

Another great character from another great franchise. He was a Florentine nobleman during the Renaissance. And unbeknownst to most historians and philosophers, the Mentor of the Italian Brotherhood of Assassins. A title which he held from 1503 to 1513. Not to mention, one of the most bad-ass assassins in the entire franchise. But here’s a fun fact for you. Something that will give you an idea of how beloved this character is. Ezio’s likeness (along with five other series protagonists) was used for a line of character-themed wine labels. As part of a joint collaboration between Ubisoft and winemaker Lot18. So the finished product is the label “2015 Ezio Auditore Super Tuscan Red Blend”. The Tuscan Red Blend is a reference to his birthplace of course.

The Assassin’s Creed franchise is also available here at IndieGala. Just click here.

John Marston From Red Dead Redemption

This is a man with a rough start in life but later turned out to be a layered and complicated character. But yeah. He’s a rancher and bounty hunter that will leave a lasting memory in your psyche. John’s also a fairly serious individual with very little patience for the eccentricities. Of both life and the various people, he meets during the events of Red Dead Redemption. He greatly respects women and refuses to commit adultery. Yet can be quick to anger and never seems to feel guilty or remorseful about the deaths he’s caused both past and present. As I mentioned earlier… He’s a complicated man.

Here’s a fun fact for you. John and Abigail share the same first names as the second President of the United States and the second First Lady. John Adams and his wife, Abigail.

B.J. Blazkowicz from Wolfenstein

An American spy of Polish and Jewish descent, he specializes in one-man missions behind enemy lines. And he’s not a man to be messed with. But yeah. B.J. Blazkowicz entered the Wolfenstein series with Wolfenstein 3D in 1992. And he’s been a fixture in the series since. Throughout the series, B.J. Blazkowicz has always been portrayed as a fierce and unwavering patriot, a true believer of truth, justice and above all, liberty. Which ultimately made him one of the most beloved characters ever.

And here’s a cool fact about him. In the 2019 movie Doom: Annihilation, a group of Marines travel to a base on the moon of Mars. The first body they find is identified as “William Blazkowicz”. A Marine stationed on the base. Now, that’s not a particularly good movie, but did you notice that little fact there?

The Wolfenstein franchise is also available here at IndieGala. Check it out here.

Solid Snake From Metal Gear Solid

Why not save the best for last? Well, we at IndieGala adore Solid Snake. We even devoted plenty of articles not just to him. But also to the entire franchise and its creator. Heck, we even announced the upcoming film adaptation. That’s right. Oscar Isaac will portray Solid Snake in the upcoming movie and we’re thrilled about it. But this is one hell of a character. He’s a hardened career soldier. And often displays a calm and collected demeanor. Rarely showing any signs of anger, aggressiveness, or fear in extreme circumstances. He’s cool, stealth and amazing. Which is why he deserves to be on this list.

Check out what’s available from the MGS franchise here at IndieGala.

Bonus: Kratos From God Of War

Regardless if you’ve played with Kratos in the Greek era of the series. Or in the Norse era, there’s no denying that he’s a fascinating character. Damaged and with lots of baggage, Kratos is relentless. He’s strong, imposing and memorable character. You remember his character, his lines and of course his appearance. His ash-white complexion, his intriguing red tattoo and yes. His scar across his right eye. Although a newcomer compared to the other franchise characters Mario, Solid Snake or even Link… He’s a man you will most definitely not forget. Hey GameSpot even branded Kratos as a “sympathetic antihero” and a “badass”. And described him as endearing due to his unforgiving demeanor. But if you’re looking for more God Of War articles… Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. There’s plenty more God Of War articles coming your way.

And of course. God of War is available for purchase here at IndieGala.

But here’s the question…

What’s Your Movember 2021 Action?

What are you going to do for Movember? What’s your strategy for honoring this movement? Let us know in the comment section. And of course, feel free to share your favorite manly video game character. Hit that comment section.

God Of War Kratos Nod GIF by PlayStation

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