Destiny 2 Experience

A new game and a new Filmaholic Gamer Review is in order. Destiny 2 is next for me, and I am so excited to share my experience with you. First and foremost, let me just mention that much like I relish the fact that I’m writing about new and exciting video games… I’m also excited to try out exciting games from the IndieGala’s vault. However, I disclaimer is very much in need here.  Unless you count my very exciting Borderlands 3 experience (available to read here), I’ve never had that many first-person shooters (with RPG elements) to try out before. But I must say, I’ve never had that many free, online games either. Well in my Filmaholic Gamer Review repertoire anyway. All the more reasons to be excited am I right?

My Destiny 2 Experience Was Fun!

Oh yes indeed. Look, I know I mentioned in my previous Borderlands 3 experience that I had troubles with the aim/shouting aspect of the game. And because of my problems with the controller, I ended up playing the game on two different platforms. First on PlayStation 4 and then on my PC. Don’t get me wrong, it was a fine learning experience, but I didn’t want to repeat the same mistake here.

Hey, I need to overcome my problem, and Destiny 2 is a good practice for that. So, I thought just to suck it up and face my fears, and I’ll be fine. And wouldn’t you know it… It worked. Practice does make things perfect, and my play-through got better with Destiny 2. Oh, and please forgive me for skipping the first game. I have a weird tactic for choosing the sequels over the original game, but hey. I’m quite enjoying that. Oh, don’t let me forget. Destiny 2 is available for purchase here at IndieGala. Just click here and do your thing.

My Destiny 2 Experience: Choosing A Kick-Ass Guardian

Ah yes. My love for female characters is well documented in my Filmaholic Gamer Reviews.  Whenever I have a choice to play with a bad-ass lady, you can bet your behind that I’m going to choose one yes. So, naturally, I chose to honor my long-standing tradition of playing with a female character yet again here. But from the three available classes, I did choose a Titan for my guardian class. Actually, the Titan pick was a wise suggestion from my long-suffering husband (Hi Martin), but yeah. I went with a Titan.

Of course, he’s already played it before (and to my shame so did my 13-year old nephew Michael). I know I know. I’m late to the party. But I had the best mentor in my experience. And he’s cheap too 🙂 So, according to his expertise, it’s apparently a bit easier class for a rookie like myself. Hey, I’m still a rookie by all accounts, so yeah. I picked a Titan. But here’s the thing. This is a review of a rookie that you should take with a grain of salt. It’s not a detailed review of the game, but mere an experience based opinion of it. Make of it what you will.

Oh, and just a side note. Just to give you an idea about the very cheap live-in „mentor“ I mentioned earlier…When I mentioned that I got Destiny 2 as a new Filmaholic Gamer Review to Martin, I made the foolish mistake of asking what the game was about… This is the answer I got…

Honey, playing First-person shooters the story is like reading Playboy for the articles. You get my point, right? Yeah. I got it all right.

Great Armor And Difficult Bosses

Yeah, Destiny 2 for me was all about the visual presence. I guess he was right about that. It’s a visceral experience more than everything else. Sure I loved the basic story and the missions too, but the game was a bit more pleasing to the eye. For instance, the Titan’s armor was on point. But l like the weapons as well. Especially as I progressed through the colors. And by God, it took me a lot more than anticipated, but I got to purple legendary status (again, thanks Martin for your patience). I loved the missions as well, but for some reason, the upgrades were a bit more fun and exciting.

As you can guess, some of the bosses were a pain in my behind but hey, some of them were pretty manageable. Dominus Ghaul was a challenge, but I managed to get trough most of them. And yes, feel free to judge me, but I have no shame about this next statement. I had to turn to YouTube for help and guidance in most of my fights. And Reddit and well… Google too but hey. At least I asked for help, people. Oh, I have a gamer with 25+ of the gaming experience at home so that helped a lot. However, I must state that I played a solo PvE game here. I’m not still well equipped to handle a PvP.

A Visual Experience

At the end of it, I suppose Martin was right. Getting into the details and intricate storylines here is pointless. Since there’s so much visual beauty all around me. I mean the locations are just stunning and incredible. Heck, even the weapon and armors are beautifully designed. I couldn’t take my eyes of them. But I was entranced by the beauty of the locations more. Oh man, just take a look at European Dead Zone. I was so mesmerized by the rustic, nature-filled and shabby design, that at one point I wasn’t even paying attention to anything but the surroundings. But I wasn’t really sightseeing there so I snapped right back.

Destiny 2 Experience: Are you A Fan of Destiny 2?

Let me know in the comment section. I’d love to know about your experience playing Destiny 2. What’s your favorite mission of Destiny 2? How about the guardians? Which class of guardians did you play with? Hit that comment section and let us know.

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