Borderlands 3 Experience

When it comes to my Filmaholic Gamer Review, diversity is key. And My Borderlands 3 Experience is just another example of my desire to spice things up. Regardless if it’s about the genres that I pick, or the games in the series in general. Sure I’ve had my fair share of difficulties with my previous 2 Dark Souls posts. Which you can check out here yet again, and mock my pain. But if there’s one constant in my Filmaholic Gamer Reviews, it’s my fascination with bad-ass female characters. Which is why Borderlands 3 is now a continuation of that fascination.

Oh and don’t let me forget. We do have Borderlands 3 here at IndieGala. And it’s currently on sale. However, that sale is not going to last for much longer, so hurry up. Get it while it’s still, hot. It might not be for long. Just click here.

Borderlands 3 Experience

My Borderlands 3 Experience: My First-Person Shooter Experience That Is…

Well, at least in my Filmaholic Gamer Review anyway. Sure I’ve had some cool RPGs to try out and then write about. The Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey adventure was a particularly fun adventure for me I must say. But Borderlands 3 was an exceptionally difficult experience for me. Let me explain. Borderlands 3 was the first game that I had the pleasure (and pain) of playing on two different platforms. Indeed. Much to my husband’s announce I played Borderlands 3 first of PlayStation 4. And then on our PC. And on the easier difficulty mode, too. The easier the better I feel. I have no shame about that. Why you might ask? I’ll get to that in a sec. First and foremost (let me just mention) that I developed a penchant for point and click adventure games. And I have IndieGala to thank for that.

From Deponia And Syberia To Borderlands 3

What can I say? IndieGala has spoiled me for life, and I really developed a passion for playing them. A LOT I might add. And on my PC too. Which made the PlayStation 4 a past-time solely for my husband. So, that’s what I’ve been doing during the third pandemic-induced lockdown. Devouring everything from Grim Fandango, Gabriel Knight, to Syberia. On PC and I enjoyed them too… I can safely say, that they’re probably my all-time favorites, but I’d love to know yours as well. Secondly, my previous weapon-based combat experience was limited to well… Almost zero. If you don’t count my now „legendary“ NES Duck Hunt experience, which you probably won’t. I know, I know. It doesn’t count, but still. This piece of information is for context more than anything else. But yeah. I struggled and I had fun with Borderlands 3. Let me tell you more about it.

My Borderlands 3 Experience: Moze Is My Bae!

Yup. I stayed true to my tradition and picked a female character yet again! Moze! What can I say? I have a thing for bad-ass ladies who can kick some serious ass. To tell you the truth, Moze was a suggestion from my long-suffering husband. He suggested her for a rookie like myself, and because I played solo. Hey, I suggested for him to join in, but he made a good point to get the essence of the game by going solo.

And I must say… I was pleasantly surprised. Moze is one hell of a Vault Hunter. Sure I loved the missions (the some of side-quests too). And let me digress a bit, but I suppose one of our readers was right about Claptrap. He’s annoying AF, and I guarantee that Jack Black will make him even more obnoxious in the movie adaptation. I just know it. Oh, I can’t tell you how many times I wasted ammo on Claptrap. All for him to shut up and go away. Deep sigh.

I Hate YOU!

It Was Rough, But I Made It (I Guess)

But what I loved about Moze (aside from the cool guns and fighting skills of course) was her Iron Bear mech. Oh hell yeah! Look, I don’t know what the other characters have (my husband usually plays with FL4K), but I liked that Iron Bear. It was great for those – Oh My GOD – moments. And I had plenty of those let me tell ya, especially at the beginning.

On the downside, too bad it doesn’t last longer, but still. The Iron Bear mech was a handy thing to have. Especially while I was still getting familiar with the game. Hey, don’t judge. Oh, and on the opposite side of the spectrum… The Katagawa Ball is really a nightmare fresh from the 7th circle of hell! Lucky for me, I have a gamer with 20+ years of experience at home that has unlimited sources of patience. So, needless to say, it was a rough game for me and my SO. More for me, but you get my point…

Borderlands 3 Experience
But I Hate You More!

PC VS PlayStation 4? A Tale Of Two Fronts For One Rookie Gamer

But of course, let me fill you in about my real struggles. And the main reason I chose to play Borderlands 3 both on PlayStation 4 and PC. Well, to be honest, I started with the PlayStation console and continued with the PC. I don’t know why, but it took me a while to grasp and position the aim on PlayStation, properly. I struggled with the controller a lot. And I do mean, A LOT! So, yeah. Midway through I had to transfer on PC.

I just had enough. And yeah. I think it made all the difference. I found it easier to get used to the controls in general. So yeah. The PC made the experience of playing the game a lot better. Well, at least for a rookie like myself. So I suppose it’s a nice lesson for me. When in doubt… Switch to a simple keyboard and mouse. They’ll do the job just fine. I know, I know I wasted time and money… And well everything else. But it was worth it. Not to mention I got to keep the rest of my nerves and sanity. A win-win, if you ask me.

This Was My Borderlands 3 Experience : But Are You A Fan Of Borderlands 3?

I sure am. I mean, I’m guessing that now I’m going to have to go back and tackle 1 and 2. What a way to start the game series right? I’m not complaining though. What else am I going to do in the middle of a pandemic? Well, regardless of my backward attempt, I truly enjoyed this series. But I’d love to hear your thoughts and impressions on Borderlands 3. Let me know in the comment section.

Best Borderlands 3 Moze GIFs | Gfycat

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