WWE 2K: Battlegrounds

I think so too. Especially because WWE 2K: Battlegrounds is one of our most popular items. And since I already explored the more cartoonish version of WWE 2K: Battlegrounds and WWE in general… Why not go back to reality? With a TV show about one of the most beloved WWE legends. Indeed. I’m talking about the man himself. The icon in the title of the TV series. The Big Show himself. More on him and his TV show a bit later.

WWE 2K: Battlegrounds

WWE 2K: Battlegrounds And Their Biggest Stars

As you can probably tell (by my previous posts regarding this subject), I love wrestling. Grew up watching it with my dad (along with football), and love it to this very day. And yes. My favorites are (to this day) the wrestlers from the mid to late ’90s. Indeed. I grew up with “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, Tripple H, The Rock, The Undertaker. Love the heels and faces equally. Not to mention, my boy John Cena. Yeah. My love for John Cena has been well documented here at IndieGala’s blog.

And yeah. That love (OK and childhood nostalgia) is the only reason I’ll watch movies like Trainwreck. Or Sisters. Although I must admit I liked him in 12 Rounds. But my point is… Although the transition from ring to movie stardom has been easy for some WWE stars (The Rock)… It’s been a less than a smooth ride for others. Case in point… The Big Show. I never thought I’d see The Big Show Show in a family sitcom, but hey. It’s rather good. More on the show a bit later in this post. First…

What’s WWE 2K: Battlegrounds All About?

Developed by Saber Interactive and published by 2K, WWE 2K: Battlegrounds is a professional wrestling video game. A fast-paced, arcade-style simulation fighting game. And in it, the world of WWE is your battleground. Furthermore, the game allows you to compete in your favorite match types. With an arsenal of exaggerated maneuvers, special abilities. And with devastating power-ups too. Including Steel Cage, Royal Rumble, Fatal Four-Way and more. As Mauro Ranallo and Jerry “The King” Lawler call all the mayhem!

WWE 2K: Battlegrounds is of course available for purchase here at IndieGala. Feel free to check it out here or even the Digital Deluxe Edition. You know what to do.

WWE 2K: Battlegrounds

But what about some of the Steam user comments about the game?

– This game is a real gem. The last time I played any wrestling game is probably 10+ years behind (played the old PSX and PS2 games) but I need to say, this one brings back so much nostalgia. I finished the story mode and I had a blast doing it. The battle system is the perfect mix between complexity and pick up and play, even If I’d wish for more moves or maybe even subclasses with different movesets.

All in all, Battlegrounds revived my interest in wrestling games and set a great foundation for a sequel with more customization and move complexity while still maintaining the great arcade and over-the-top playstyle. – says Zethalit about WWE 2K: Battlegrounds.

-Can’t say how much I love this game! Graphics are so cool, characters are endless, and the button combinations are not too complicated! – adds Spearin.

But what about the TV show?

Well, the Big Show Show is fairly decent. Although I must admit, even I had reservations regarding this TV show. With decent writing and invested (although not perfect) performances, The Big Show Show really started to grow on me. First and foremost let me start with the positives. The show is focused on Paul Wight and his family. And it also shows you what usually happens to a former WWE wrestler that retires, and decides to spend more time with his family. Paul Wight is a family man now. And early on in the series, his eldest daughter (from a previous marriage) comes to live with him, his wife and two younger daughters. Things will not go as planned.

The Big Show Show Is Not Like Full House

That’s usually the first assumption people make when I mention The Big Show Show. But that’s hardly the case, although it’s a father/daughter family-style sitcom. Yes, it’s cheesy with generic cookie-cutter wife/kids. Not to mention the focus is almost entirely on the family part of the whole sitcom structure. But what I love the most about the sitcom is how it shifts the focus away from the family stuff (from time to time but still). And sporadically puts the focus on Paul. Just him.

The man from the title. His character matters here among all of the women in his life, and I love that the writers respect that. He’s not lost in the narrative, and I’m happy that that’s the case. Furthermore, the sitcom deals with his identity now. You know, since he’s away from the world of wrestling. Away from the spotlight and the job he likes. We struggle to find a new identity as a husband, as a father. And not only that. But a different purpose, perspective even. A lot of former athletes struggle with that in their retirement. And I’m glad the writers didn’t shy away from those issues.

The Acting Is Not So Great Though

No disrespect toward the Big Show, but yeah. He still needs work in his acting classes. A lot. But hey. His acting may not be top-notch, but his presence makes up for his acting shortcomings. Add his ginormous presence (that makes everyone around him diminutive), and surprisingly good comedic timing… And there’s a potential in Mr. Big Show. By all means, he’s not Charlie Sheen, but his efforts are valid in the TV sitcom. Additionally, he gets solid lines from the script ( a rather solid script for a sitcom) and yeah. The Big Show really is one sitcom to watch.

However, the less-than-stellar acting applies to the female portion of the TV show too. Allison Munn and Reylynn Caster are decent, to say the least. But Lily Brooks O’Briant steals the show as Mandy- the middle child of Big Show. She’s borderline annoying and abrasive (she’s a child I know), but you definitely remember this character.

It’s Worth The Shot Nonetheless

Yup. The Big Show Show is not a TV series without flaws. You can find fault with it in almost every department. But I actually find myself enjoying this TV show more than I care to admit. It’s warm, and touching and reminds me of some of the great 90’s sitcoms. The Cosby Show, Full House, Blossom. It has that same quality too. It’s definitely worth trying. Who knows, it may renew your passion for wrestling all over again? I know it did mine.

Are You A WWE 2K: Battlegrounds Fan?

Let us know in the comment section about your favorite WWE wrestler. Oh and if you’re also fans of The Big Show Show. What do you love the most about it? Hit that comment section and let us know.

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