Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter

Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter is the latest videogame Frogwares dedicated to the famous English detective. We all love Sherlock Holmes as a character for his eccentric and brilliant exploits. This game differs from the others because it manages to give a particular characterization to the beloved English investigator.

But what about the game in general? Well, there are positive points that amazed me, but also negative things that I did not expect. Here’s everything you need to know in my review of Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter!

An elementary story, my dear Watson!

Sherlock Holmes, your detective

The story of the game is very important. Not surprisingly, as in every work dedicated to the detective, there must be a narrative plot and a final twist. Well, The Devil’s Daughter contains everything. You will follow the daily adventures of a disappointed, strange, and almost paranoid Sherlock Holmes.

The continual resolution of crimes and misdeeds has led Sherlock to despise humanity. However, like a powerful drug, it can only distract himself from reality by immersing himself in new and complicated cases. I must say that I enjoyed this version of the detective. It is a human portrait I’ve never seen before. The English genius now seems fragile, always on the edge of the precipice. A clear improvement over the previous game “Crimes & Punishments“.

Returning to the story of the game, the main plot is put in the background, while the 5 stories/missions that make up the gameplay, are carried forward. So here we should meet Sherlock Holmes’ adopted daughter, a mysterious neighbor of his, a boy who lost his father, a girl attracted to the occult and members of an exclusive group. Each of these people will bring to Mr. Holmes’ attention a case to solve.

Are they isolated mysteries or do they have something in common? You have to find out for yourself and the result will be astounding! Anyway, I found the epilogue somewhat hasty. But the result will satisfy you if you love unexpected conclusions.

Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter, deductive gameplay and a good setting

Sherlock Holmes The Devil's Daughter setting

The gameplay is very similar to the predecessors made by Frogwares but has some improvements. For this chapter, the developers decided to expand some mechanics. For example, I enjoyed the settings. They are sandboxes that can be fully explored rich in graphic details and more. Some London settings have been created and they are delicious.

Besides, this element adds a continuous discovery to the gameplay. If in previous games you were transported to the scene of the crime, here you will have to navigate the different areas available. As you explore the streets of London you will have to look for the right address following your instincts and the right clues.

Believe me, sometimes just finding the right place will be a real puzzle. For this reason, remember that during each stage of the game you have to sharpen your eyesight and have a detective mind. Anyway, don’t expect an open-world map. The sandboxes are quite small and do not offer a free roam triple-A game.

The importance of a good investigation

Sherlock and Watson
Everyone can be sus, Watson!

The highlight of the gameplay remains the investigation. After gathering multiple clues at the crime scene and beyond, you’ll need to question the suspects. In this case, you will have a wide array of options.

You have to remember that you will have to consider every possibility and also decide based on your morals. That’s right, you’re the master of the game, and you can own the fate of any suspect. Also, you need to use your eyesight and see possible clues on the suspect’s body. If you want advice, don’t jump to conclusions, but as a good Sherlock Holmes, take your time to accuse.

However, compared to the predecessor there is one aspect that did not convince me. In a way, the game guides you in the right direction. When you find yourself face to face with the villain, the cutscenes will be longer and the interactions more effective. I understand that Frogwares wanted to make the game more accessible to people. Even those who have never tried a title in the series Sherlock Holmes will be able to engage in this adventure without problems. Nevertheless, older fans may be slightly disappointed by this choice.

And if you make a mistake? In that case, you can start from a sort of checkpoint, without repeating everything. Is it a good choice? I prefer to replay the entire mission, but hey, maybe casual gamers want to get straight to the point!

Graphics? Good but not great

Graphics of the game

Finally, I want to focus on the graphics of the game. There is an improvement, especially in the settings. The colors of Victorian London are fascinating. Plus, the right tone contrast creates a taut and engaging atmosphere, just like in Bloodstained.

Regardless, the graphics could be better, in my opinion. It always seems that the Frogwares developers miss that last piece that allows them to make the ultimate leap in visual quality to make me go “wow”. At last, if you don’t have many needs from this point of view, then you won’t notice this lack.

Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter, are you ready to play the greatest detective ever?

Sherlock Holmes is not at the best and only you can help him. Open your mind, pay attention to details, and unleash your intuition. In this way, will you be able to fully enjoy the game.

If you want to try the game, you can find it in our store at a special price. Alternatively, you can share with us your opinion on this title.

It won’t be easy, Sherlock, but remember nothing is impossible!

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