How many times have you been bored with a game that in some ways was interesting, but that was definitely too easy? Personally, it happens to me very often and it irritates me. Especially when trying a FPS. Can we find a superhot alternative to that?

In most games you just have to do a mission, kill enemies that have a ridiculous AI, follow what little story there is and that’s it. The game ends before it even starts. Not really the best thing, right?

Regardless, today I want to talk to you about an exception, a pearl of the FPS genre with innovative, fun and exceptional gameplay: Superhot! Why is this game so special? Well, let me explain to you the emotions it made me feel and the things it made me think about.

What do you have to do in Superhot?


Superhot has no complicated premises: you start it, you have to kill enemies, avoid getting hit and go on across the various levels. Then you stop and that’s all…or is it? The real strength, lies in HOW you carry out these different actions.

In the game, you will “manipulate” time, through a slow-motion effect that will allow you to evaluate your actions, but you will also have to do it in a frenetic and constant way. Yeah, at this point, you might think slow motion is easier, but you might want to think again! In Superhot if you get hit you’re out: one shot and you’ll have to start all over again. Not so easy now, huh?

You can choose to take out dozens of enemies by beating them, challenging them hand to hand with katana and swords or shooting them with weapons of various kinds. All the time you’ll feel like in a John Wick movie: it’s you against the world, baby.

History and Graphics: two original and excellent elements


You might think that in a FPS game like Superhot there is no room for a plot, but that’s not really the case. Of course, it’s not an articulated story, but it’s interesting and intriguing, with some twists that will amaze you.

I don’t want to spoil anything major, but you might want to get ready for some serious meta-narrative elements.

For example, I remember not taking it very well when the game offered me to try a “cracked” version or when it forced me back to the desktop of my computer. Although slightly scary, mechanisms like that made me love the game and I’m sure they’ll conquer you too.

Also, I want to make you reflect on the graphics of Superhot: minimal, with few colors and details, all treated to perfection. Often we gamers dwell on the technical details of a game, just like the graphics, forgetting that you don’t always need to have the top in this aspect to get a fun and original title.

Besides, thanks to the particular graphic style, Superhot makes the violence of the game go almost into the background, without exaggerating it. A perfect answer for all those who stupidly associate videogames and violence in real life.

Grab your weapons and play your style

Ultimately, we are brought to a few basic questions: do you love FPS? Do you want a story that involves you more and more? Do you need a challenging video game to help you relieve stress?

Well, don’t waste any more time and make sure you get Superhot at a special price right away! If you have a VR headset, even better, there is also SUPERHOT in VR!

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