No Time To Die

It’s finally here. No Time To Die premiered recently and the fans of the James Bond franchise couldn’t be happier. The 25th installment in the iconic film franchise has Cary Joji Fukunaga in the director’s chair. And Daniel Craig in his last outing as the infamous 007 agent, James Bond.

Now, I have a confession to make here at the start of the article. This was intended to be a review of the movie, but you’ll just have to wait for that one in the upcoming weeks. I tested positive for COVID-19 and along with my husband we’re in 20 days quarantine. So, sadly a trip to the movies is out of the question now. We’re both vaccinated and we’re gonna be fine, but this virus kinda derailed my plans. I was looking forward to seeing this movie and now that it’s finally out… This happened. But oh well. Here’s to better times I say.

The Cast Of No Time To Die

But What The Critics/Audience Say About No Time To Die?

Well, at the moment of writing this article No Time To Die stands on 84% approval (among the critics) at Rotten Tomatoes and even better 89% audience approval there. The movie also has 70 favorable reviews at Metacritic but the user score is not there yet. However, the movie does have a 7.6 rating on IMDB and yeah. This just might turn out to be Daniel Craig’s send-off that he well deserves. But I’m happy to give my opinion on No Time To Die as soon as I can venture out of my home. Right here and now, I’ll dive into various James Bond-related topics. Who should replace Craig in the role of James Bond, the legacy that the actor made in his tenure and of course… IndieGala wouldn’t be IndieGala if I don’t mention the James Bond video games. Let’s begin shall we?

James Bond And Video Games… A Match Made In Heaven

Well as you can probably tell, there are quite a few of them. Danjaq currently owns the IP for James Bond, but there have been video games with the character since the early ’80s. In fact, the text adventure Shaken but Not Stirred was released in 1982 by Richard Shepherd Software. However, the next year came James Bond 007. The first official licensed 007 game which was originally developed by Parker Brothers.

No Time To Die

The Nintendo era of the ’90s made a bit of revival of the franchise sort of speak. But it was a long way to get there. The popularity of the James Bond video game series did not rise quickly until 1997’s GoldenEye 007 by Rare for the Nintendo 64. GoldenEye 007 expanded on the plot of the film GoldenEye, but the next year there was another gem for the fans. In 1998, Nintendo released James Bond 007 for the Game Boy developed by Saffire. Indeed. The game features a story including characters from multiple James Bond films, such as Oddjob and Jaws. It also incorporates gambling minigames, such as Baccarat and Blackjack and it was a smash hit.

No Time To Die

The first-person shooter game, 007 Legends was released in 2012, but the franchise went into a long hiatus after that. However, a game with the working title Project 007 has been announced, but there’s no word on the release date yet. IO described the game as a “wholly original Bond story” where “players will step into the shoes of the world’s favorite Secret Agent to earn their 00 status in the very first Bond origin story.”

But what about the Bond’s influence on other video games?

James Bond GIF

James Bond And The Video Game Industry

It’s hard to imagine an aspect of the video game industry that James Bond hasn’t been a huge influence. And there’s no denying that films influence other films. Just take a look at Quentin Tarantino’s career. His entire career has been a cocktail of influences. But let’s face it. GoldenEye remains one of the biggest influences to date. Without GoldenEye, I don’t think we have Halo or Call of Duty. How about the scoped sniper rifle? While also present in MDK, became homogeneous with the FPS genre thanks to GoldenEye. And as one fan pointed out, while Doom and Quake were splatter-fests, GoldenEye was more tailored. A more sophisticated FPS that revolutionized what the genre is.

And where else do we see the influences of the James Bond video games? Well in places you’d normally wouldn’t think of, but if you look closer you’ll find them. Superhot is one of those games, and if you’re interested in trying it, you can just click here. It’s available for purchase here at IndieGala.

From Tom Clancy To Metal Gear Solid

Deus Ex is another great example, and an obvious choice to put here. And so is Killer7, to be honest. Harlan Smith, along with two of the assassins Garcian and Dan Smith have personalities that scream James Bond. And here’s something else we do have in our offerings catalog. Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Series. Just click here and get it. But there’s no way of forgetting the Hitman series as well, and of course… The one and only Metal Gear Solid Series, which we also recommend you try out here. According to Hideo Kojima (an avid film buff) the narratives for the games took cues from many sources. Including Bond movies like Goldfinger and Dr. No, which you can see in the final games.

But as I mentioned earlier in this article, this is the last movie that Daniel Craig will ever portray James Bond. The studio heads will have to come up with a new actor to get into the tux. Sure there are plenty of contenders for the role… But who are the favorites?

But before I dive into the replacement section, I gotta ask… What has been his legacy in the past 5 movies as James Bond?

What Daniel Craig Left Behind?

From the time Casino Royale hit theaters in 2006, and up until 2021’s No Time To Die, Daniel Craig’s Bond brought subtle differences to the table. There’s no denying that. Bond become more emotional, more concerned about the safety of those around him. And less of a womanizer if I dare to say so? Well compared to his predecessors anyway. There’s the tool that the job of being 007 has on him. Most of the Bond’s before him tried to hide that side of the character, in constant fear that would make them week. Or god forbid emasculate him. No, there’s a level or realness and even maturity in Craig’s portrayal of Bond, and I think it’s in part due to the writing. As much as it’s on him.

No Time To Die

But the screenwriters brought Bond to the 21st century with style, grace and humility. I think those are the biggest takeaways from his tenure as James Bond. Yes, having great directors such as Sam Mendes and Cary Joji Fukunaga helps. Great cinematographers as Roger Deakins is a great benefit too. But the changes in the Bond character came from within him. Let’s face it. The Bond we know post Casino Royale is a contrast to the one we know in the 70’s and 80’s. And that’s a good thing. Times change, so it makes sense that the characters must change. But yeah. The legacy of Daniel Craig is there to see. It’s a good legacy, but I can’t wait and see what his successor will bring to the table.

No Time To Die

Beyond No Time To Die: Who’s The Next Bond… James Bond?

As you can imagine there are quite a few favorites for the job. But right now, the general consensus is that if he’s a British actor, above 35 years of age, reasonably handsome and can breathe… He’s on the list for the next Bond. It doesn’t hurt if he can act of course, but everyone seems to have their picks for this pressing matter. Myself included. For instance, my pick is on Tom Hiddleston, as the most sophisticated, talented and charismatic of the bunch. But Outlander’s Sam Heughan is a close second place.

No Time To Die

But on the list of actors to replace Daniel Craig, there’s also our Superman/Geralt of Rivia. Which I covered here at IndieGala not that long ago. The one and only Henry Cavill. Not to mention the up-and-coming Marvel star – Richard Madden and there’s Idris Elba. He’s always a good choice, but he’s the oldest one of the bunch So I don’t he’ll get that offer after all. That’s not to say that I don’t have favorites with the past James Bond actors as well.

My go-to guy is Timothy Dalton, and yes. I don’t particularly care about Daniel Craig. Sorry, not sorry. He’s as charismatic as a plank of wood, and he can’t act to save his life. There I’ve said it. The past years with him in the role were torture for me, but I digress.I’d love to know your favorites though. Who’s your pick for the role? Let us know in the comment section.

Timothy Dalton Name GIF by James Bond 007

And last but not least…

What Do You Think Of No Time To Die?

I couldn’t go out and watch the movie, but I’d love to know your opinion of it. Is it good? Or is it a disappointment? Share your thoughts with us.

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