Ghost Recon Wildlands

Ghost Recon Wildlands is the penultimate chapter of the franchise produced by Ubisoft. I am a big fan of this series because it has some excellent stealth-themed TPS. Metal Gear Solid fans should get close to this saga because they might be totally satisfied.

However, Ghost Recon Wildlands manages to capture the attention of the player for its technical aspects and especially for its open world. Want to find out more? Then follow me in my videogame review!

Ghosts on a mission for world peace

Ghost Recon Wildlands: a story about team

If you’ve never heard of Ghost Recon, then let me explain how the franchise works. The game is a stealth TPS, but the action is not the most important thing. During the games of the saga, the plot has a very deep meaning. Plus, there is a strong and raw morality, which makes the player question what is right and what is wrong.

Not surprisingly, Ghost Recon is not an original Ubisoft idea but is based on stories and books written by the late Tom Clancy. For this reason, as you progress in the game, you will notice an increasingly dense and interesting plot.

Regardless, I have to be honest. Ghost Recon Wildlands lacks a bit from this point of view and does not reach the heights of other chapters such as Future Soldiers. Without spoiling it for you, you’ll be running the Ghost team, and you’ll have to take out a drug cartel. Of course, some interesting situations involve the usual American government, but nothing special.

Unlike other recent Ubisoft games, I must say that Wildlands keeps its soul and has an eye-catching story until its conclusion. Of course, the plot could be better but there are the Ghosts, there are stealth elements and there is political fiction: I’m fine with that.

Ghost Recon Wildlands Gameplay: avoid war is the keyword

Avoid the war in the game

When you play Ghost Recon, you always have to find the best tactic. This is not a frantic FPS and the head must have the upper hand over instinct when you’re on the battlefield.

Wildlands does not differ from the other chapters in this respect, indeed, improves some gameplay mechanics. You can command three more Ghosts during the stages of the game and give precise orders to move forward. This way, you can decide who should shoot first and who should sneak quietly behind enemy lines.

Compared to the past, Wildlands gives you much more freedom. I have noticed that there is no predetermined pattern for dealing with enemies. Believe me, anything can happen and you can find a thousand different ways to remove obstacles.

If you want my opinion, always avoid direct conflict. Of course, it is not difficult to eliminate enemies if you are involved in a confrontation. However, the beauty of Ghost Recon is that of, well, being a ghost! Being able to overcome enemies without being discovered will give you great satisfaction and will also add greater difficulty to the main campaign.

The Open-World map: the true protagonist of the videogame

Open World map

Now I want to analyze the real strength of Ghost Recon Wildlands: the Open-World map. Believe me, this is a fantastic innovation for the saga. First, you should know that the gaming environment is “alive” and optimized by exceptional graphics. By alive, I mean it will seem almost real: a treat for the eyes.

Think that if you want to complete 100% of the game, you will have to perform primary and secondary missions in 21 zones. Believe me, hours will pass, but you’ll appreciate the virtual open-world. Besides, what I appreciated was the wide presence of vehicles. There are 60 vehicles that you can drive at your leisure.

I can guarantee that you will have fun with your team crossing the waterways on a boat. At the same time, you can choose helicopters and SUVs to approach enemies directly. I also liked the realism of the commands, worthy of the best racing games.

Besides, if you want to advance your team, you must necessarily explore. You can find equipment and high-level weapons. Ultimately, Ghost Recon Wildlands is a pure open-world videogame. After Watch Dogs 2 , Ubisoft confirms that games with a very large map are their specialty.

A multiplayer mode to try

Multiplayer mode

I’m not a fan of multiplayer videogames. I much prefer the pure single player like that of games like Hitman. However, Ghost Recon Wildlands managed to win a place in my heart.

The team of 4 people can be composed of 4 of your online friends. Everyone can decide what to do and working together you will be able to enjoy the game incredibly. I recommend you try this mode. It can show you the game from a different perspective and expand the experience in the Wildlands!

Ghost Recon Wildlands, technically perfect

Finally, I want to highlight the technical qualities of the game. The graphics, as I pointed out earlier, are excellent.  Also, if you want advice, try Ghost Recon Wildlands with a PC that meets the recommended requirements.

The experience will take your breath away. I think this game has all the cards to be considered one of the videogame with the best graphics of the generation that just passed.

Ghost Recon Wildlands: jump into the fray!

Ghost Recon Wildlands is one of the Ubisoft games to try. I think it’s a good turning point for the franchise that gives me hope for the future of the saga. What do you think about it? Feel free to express your opinion and discuss it with the Indiegala community.

Alternatively, if you want to try the game, buy it at a special price in our store. Plus, you can try the Ultimate edition, with additional contents.

Explore the Wildlands, take out the cartel, and get justice with guns.

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