Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition

Today I want to talk to you about Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition. Maybe you’ve never heard of it, but believe me, it’s worth finding out more about it. First, take a look at its trailer.

Looks exciting, right? For that reason, continue reading my review of this game published by Team 17.

An adventure in deep space

Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition gameplay

When it comes to space adventures, I’m the first to want to get into this. Not surprisingly, some time ago I tried a fantastic space RPG, The Outer Worlds. So you can imagine, with Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition, my hype has skyrocketed. But does this game meet expectations? Well, in some ways, yes.

The game offers you plenty of content to unlock. You can customize your ship, improve it from different points of view. You can also optimize the ship to improve the quality of your crew or to ensure greater speed during travel.

Besides, you can explore alien planets, looking for new resources and materials. Yeah, in some ways, this videogame reminded me of No Man’s Sky. Moreover, there are also FPS stages, where you will have to fight to save yourself and your crew members. From whom? Well, from alien parasites that want to infest your ship. Always keep your eyes open because some of them come out of the f****ng walls!

Finally, I also enjoyed the vintage style of Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition. Some equipment reminded me of the science fiction movies of the 80s. It’s a pleasant visual effect for those who are fans of the genre.

Genesis Alpha One Deluxe, is everything positive?

Some negative aspects

Unfortunately not. This game has many aspects that could be improved. The general impression it gave me was that many mechanics were only partially completed. Maybe some of the content was cut due to some constraints, but this is just my guess.

For example, the combat system is too simplistic. Okay, I understand that the core of the game is crew and resource management, but if you add a combat system, I expect it to be decent. Besides, I didn’t like the crew’s AI. Every time you want to give orders to your subordinates you will have to work hard, since they will not always perform them properly.

Plus, the crew will do nothing but defend themselves in the event of a threat. However, if there are parasites that infest the ship, for example, they will not care. Thanks, friends, we will all die together! These are just some of the things I was slightly disappointed in but that I think can be improved in Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition.

A wasted opportunity or an underrated gem?

I don’t want to consider Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition a wasted opportunity. Of course, it’s not a masterpiece but it can still improve. I hope that soon developers will be able to add some interesting optimizations.

Anyway, if you want to try the game, remember that you can find it at a discounted price in our store.

Have you already tried the game? Then let me know what you think! Give your opinion on the potential of the game and share it with the Indiegala community.

Explore space and find a new refuge for humanity with Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition!

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