Robert Pattinson

The career of Robert Pattinson is a fascinating one I must admit. And a subject of much discussion, even today. Some 15 years after it started. However, the newly minted Batman is trending right now, so we thought it’s good to take a crack at his timeline. From the humble beginnings to the role of the Dark Knight. And if you’re interested to know more about Batman, then head out to our review. It’s already published and we hope you like it as well. Cause we loved it.

Now as we mentioned in the Batman review, we don’t really have Warner Bros/DC Comics IPs (yet) but we do have plenty of other games series that have vigilantes as main characters. The Metal Gear Solid series has plenty of them, and the Assassin’s Creed series too. Get them here and here.

Robert Pattinson

But to be perfectly honest, the new Batman movie is the first inspiration for this article. A conversation I had with my friend not that long ago is the second. While I was sipping my macchiato one Saturday morning, I mentioned to my friend that later that day I’ll watch the new Batman.

She: Oh really? Who’s the new Batman?

Me: Robert Pattinson. Wanna come?

She: Ughhhh (She said with a slight sneer). The Twilight dude? No thank you.

And in that moment, it dawned on me. For some people, he’ll always be just the Twilight dude. But not for me.

Let me explain.

Robert Pattinson: Looking Past Harry Potter and Twilight

My first introduction to Robert Pattinson was with Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and much like everyone else, I didn’t think much of him. Sure I liked the movie, but there’s nothing special about him and his character. To be perfectly honest I wasn’t even a fan of the subsequent Twilight series. But maybe that’s because I was way past my YA years to appreciate YA movies. The first Twilight movie is the only one I can safely say that I’ve seen so far.

And In the words of Shania Twain…. That Don’t Impress Me Much. But despite my indifference towards the movie, there’s no denying that the Twilight franchise put Robert Pattinson on the map. It also made him a Hollywood heartthrob and an A-lister at the same time. But I can also safely pinpoint a timeline in his career where Twilight made him a joke too. A punch-line if you will. I’d say around the final Twilight movie of the series. But at the same time, it’s the era when the rebirth of Robert Pattinson’s career began.

Robert in Cosmopolis

You have David Cronenberg to thank for that. I know I do.

Robert Pattinson: Cosmopolis To The Rescue

OK, I have to be honest. Cosmopolis isn’t my favorite Cronenberg movie. But it made me (and a lot of you I presume) look at Pattinson in a different light. For the first time in a while, he had range, he had the talent to show for and he was appreciated for more than just his looks. And with Cosmopolis he became one of Cronenberg’s favorite actors to work with. But if you’re looking for a good movie from around this particular time, then I highly recommend that you see The Rover. Pattinson is incredible in this movie. His southern drawl, his layered performance and his shaggy look paint a different picture. And one that’s quite different from what we are used to.

Robert Pattinson
Robert In Good Time

Cool Directors And Even Cooler Movies

If you take a closer look at his career from 2014 to 2017 you’ll probably see that he collaborated with some of the finest directors of our time. Like, for real… They’re amazing. Granted, some of these movies made him an indie darling, but they also got him the respect he was lacking before. And just who are those directors you might ask?

Well, aside from Cronenberg there’s the one and only Werner Hertzog (in Queen of the Desert). Next, there’s Anton Corbijn (in Life), and James Grey (in The Lost City of Z). And yes. Josh and Benny Safdie directed him in Good Time. Probably one of the most compelling and fascinating movies from this era. Good Time. How good is Pattinson I Good Time? Oh my god. It’s fascinating to watch the depth and layers of this extremely flawed character and how he’s willing to do anything to free his brother. At times you can read the despair on his face, and at times he’s angry to the point of exploding. God, that’s some good acting, is the line I distinctly remember uttering when I saw the movie.

Robert in High Life and The Rover

Even More Indie Weirdos?

Oh yeah. If you thought that Damsel was a weird one, then I also suggest taking a crack at the Lighthouse and Claire Denis’s High Life. Two vastly different movies but at the same time two movies that should prove that Pattinson spent his entire career staying away from the perils of typecasting. He did that once, and never again. The King is another gem from the era, but if you’re also looking for proof that directors had finally more respect for his talent, then look no farther than in Tenet.

Tenet had the distinct disadvantage to get a release at the start of the Pandemic and being way ahead of its time. Much of the audience was scratching the heads with that one, and I must admit, I was one of those head-scratchers. I mean, I had to watch the movie like 3 times to get the hang of it.  But among the time confusion, Pattinson’s performance is something to behold. Besides… He’s in a Christopher Nolan movie damn it. That’s the sign you’ve actually made it. He rounded off 2020 with The Devil All the Time and the fans had to wait 2 full years for the Batman.

Robert in Tenet

Happy to report that he didn’t disappoint. He delivered a moody, solemn and rather rookie Batman, and the movie wasn’t so bad either. Read more about it here.

Robert Pattinson: The Long Road Of Proving Himself?

I would argue that it is a long road for him. His career progression is even more impressive because he pulled what a lot of young heartthrob actors can’t do to save their lives. To take the more difficult route to earn respect and good career choices. Look, he had stardom and fame. But not much else. He could have faded away in obscurity as another actor with one-hit-wonder. But he dusted himself off and literally made a U-Turn in his career. It wasn’t easy, but nothing really is. And Robert Pattinson knows that all too well.

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