Prison Run and Gun QGP

It’s high time we got back to helping you find all the hidden indie gems out there. So, today we did a little QGP (Quick Gameplay Peek) for Prison Run and Gun. Check out the video; it’s just a short showcase of the game’s core mechanics and style.

Prison Run and Gun | Gameplay Breakdown

Prison Run and Gun starts with a short (and funny) backstory. Recent events in a state prison create the perfect chance for some prisoners to escape. You’re one of those prisoners, and that’s where the game takes off.

The video begins at the start screen but there’s part of it we didn’t explore there. While the menu simply says “Prison Cell”, it’s a room from where you can view your achievements. Perhaps this seems like a trivial point, but Prison Run and Gun‘s 8 achievements are actually quite the challenge. The game’s 30 puzzle-platform levels may look easy in our QGP but they’ll hold you for a good few hours.

Prison Run and Gun QGP

So as you can see, our office game is lacking in the achievements department 😄. But hey, we only played 4 levels. Anyways, the whole idea of our QGP is to show you what cool indies offer without dropping any spoilers. So, let’s just cover the highlights and maybe you’ll be playing it yourself soon. You’ll thank us for it!

Prison Run and Gun | QGP Highlights

0:14 – You see our agile prisoner pick up the level’s first collectible: the helmet. The helmet gives you an extra hit point (default is 1HP). Rest assured, you’re going to need that chin strap.

0:16 – A few seconds later you see what else the helmet can do. You’ll need to be able to bash surfaces above you to clear most levels.

0:19 – This pickup puts the firepower in Prison Run and Gun. You’ll often need to unload that BFG (or smaller versions) to clear obstacles.

The gameplay in the first 20 seconds shows you most of the tools and locomotion in Prison Run and Gun. Still, you’re going to have to use those simple maneuvers to solve dozens of complex puzzles.

Prison Run and Gun QGP

0:29 – You can’t hang on to ledges with a gun in your hand. Lots of times you’ll need to see if you can toss your gun to where you’re trying to go to. Other times, you’ll simply be obliged to abandon your weapon.

0.33 – The explosions are so lovely. Proximity mines in Prison Run and Gun are double-edged swords. They’ll blow you to smithereens in an instant (your brain bucket could save you). At the same time, they usually play a role in solving puzzles.

Want to try Prison Run and Gun?

Prison Run and Gun is only 50 cents on IndieGala. And we bet you 50 Cent would like it too, come to think of it. Seriously, though.

Quantized Bit has a few other awesome indies in the Prison Run and Gun style so be sure to check them out. Stay tuned for more QGP videos too! Happy Gaming!

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