Star Wars

May the 4th be with you Star Wars fans! This is a very special day. A day in which every fan celebrates the Star Wars universe. So, in honor of May the 4th we we thought it’s a good idea to commemorate the occasion with a Star Wars post and a themed quiz…And of course, we have plenty of the Star Wars games on sale.

But, instead of looking back to the past trilogies and the stand-alone movie (like Solo and Rogue One), I figured that it would be best to look into the future of Star Wars. Seems like the past movies have been debated and discussed enough, don’t you think?

Therefore I’ll be looking ahead. What’s next for both for Disney and the franchise itself? What are the pending projects, and upcoming trilogies?  Likewise, who’s behind these projects? Well, the info regarding them is scarce and almost non-existent. But certainly, I’m going to try and dig up as much info as I can.

Saying goodbye to the Star Wars sequel trilogy

While not acclaimed as the original trilogy, the sequel trilogy had some ups and downs. It introduced us to some new characters. For instance Rey, Poe Dameron, and Kylo Ren. 

And some new directors, like Rian Johnson. However, the fan’s response to them and their ideas was less than stellar. And despite what your opinion of the sequel trilogy is…. There’s no denying that the trilogy left a great divide between the fans and Disney.

The fans didn’t always agree with some of the ideas, or with the treatment of the original characters. Namely Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and General Leia Organa. Furthermore, the death of Carrie Fisher devastated a lot of the Star Wars fans. And since the Skywalker saga seem to have finally ended…Now the question remains…

What’s next for Star Wars and Disney?

Star Wars

Next projects from the Star Wars Universe

Hence, the title of this post. A look into the future of the Star Wars Universe. What’s next for Disney, what can the fans expect from the studio and when?

Well, let’s start with the most well-known project. The Mandalorian. The second season of the Mandalorian is scheduled to be released in October 2020, and I for one can’t wait. I loved the first season, and naturally I was excited about the second season mostly because of the casting. I’m talking about the casting of the one and only Michael Biehn.

He’ll be playing the role of a bounty hunter. While the lovely and talented Rosario Dawson will be playing Ahsoka Tano in the second season.

A new trilogy is on the horizon

I’m very well aware that Rian Johnson is not the favorite name among the Star Wars fans. But at the start of this year, it was announced that he was in talks about making a brand new trilogy. And with the first movie premiering in 2022 no less.

He’ll be writing and directing all of the three movies from the new trilogy. While Ram Bergman is attached as a producer. According to some of the sources, the new trilogy will depict new characters. All from an unexplored area of Star Wars vast universe. There’s no update on the production start nor the cast, so it remains to be seen.

Kevin Feige is dipping his toes as well

That’s right. Even Marvel’s number one guy is developing a Star Wars movie. Yes, I’m very well aware that Disney owns Marvel (for more than a decade now).

But I guess Disney is really in need of fresh and quality ideas. And to be honest Feige has been doing such as a good job with all the Marvel movies. So it’s only natural that Disney should recruit him to re-vamp and revive the franchise. His sole role in the new Star Wars movie is as a producer. However given what he could potentially bring to the franchise…. This could be a start of real turn of events.

The untitled movie produced by Feige will not be a trilogy (unlike the one from Rian Johnson), but a single entity. Whether it will be good, remains to be seen, yet again. There’s the addition of Taika Waititi to the Cinematic universe. That’s right. The Kiwi director will be directing a Star Wars film, but it’s unclear if this will be a stand-alone project as well. Apparently the Oscar winner is on a roll.

There’s also the Untitled Star Wars/Cassian Andor Series with Diego Luna, Denise Gough, and Genevieve O’Reilly in the cast. And of course the Untitled Star Wars/Obi-Wan Kenobi Series. Ewan McGregor is expected to return in the role of Obi-Wan. But besides him, no one else is confirmed in the cast.

Can these projects be decent? Dare I say…good? I mean Kathleen Kennedy is attached as a producer for some of the aforementioned projects. So take anything with a grain of salt.

Star Wars

What’s your favorite movie?

And while it’s good to end this post on a high note… Let me ask you about your favorite Star Wars movie. Admit it. Everyone has that one favorite movie. Having a favorite trilogy is nice and all, but what is your all-time favorite Star Wars movie? And what better day to be asking that, than on a May the 4th?

I Have two BTW. Hear me out. My all-time favorite movie is The Empire Strikes Back of course. But Episode I – The Phantom Menace still holds a special place in my heart.  My friend and I (hi Maria) were such huge fans of Star Wars growing up. So much so, that we even skipped school just to buy tickets for the Phantom Menace. I’m not joking.

They were selling like crazy, and we stood in a long line for hours just to buy the tickets. Did I mention that we saw the movie about 8 times after that? Yes. We had Star Wars posters on our bedroom walls and we dressed as Han Solo and Leia for Halloween.

Your thoughts

What are your thoughts about the upcoming projects from Disney? Both on TV and the silver screen? And what’s your favorite Star Wars Movie? Tell us all about it in the comment section.

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